Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Bee Alarm Clock April 28, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:04 pm
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dsc02294This is my new watercolor kit and paper. They fit in my purse!!! I’m so excited, so now I can paint anywhere. 🙂 I’ve been lusting after one of these for awhile. In celebration of the absolutely wonderful weather I finally bought one. I’m so excited!!!

So this morning (I slept with my window open and I don’t have a screen) a bubble bee fly in my room at about 9 am. He worked at my alarm clock this morning. He buzzed around my room til I was fully awake and then buzzed right back out the window. It was actually a pleasant way to wake up once I realized I wasn’t being attacked by bees. And I got an early start to my morning. Yay!

I’ve felt so alive and happy these last few days. It’s amazing what nice weather does for a person. I’ve also got to watch the branches on the tree outside my window turn from brown to budding beautiful green.

I do miss my girls. Alot lately. I miss just sitting and reading, I miss doing art time, I miss sitting out on the porch and going for walks, drinking tea, and laughing. It’s hard to make friends up here. I really haven’t yet, but I’m working on it.

I planted some new seeds this week. Some zinnia, strawberry, sensitive plants, and curly parsley. When I get some more money I’m going to get some bigger pots and then I have some cactus seeds to plant too.

Well, off to do…something. Probably more art. 🙂


Kimono As Art: The Landscapes of Itchiku Kubota April 26, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:32 pm
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kimonoI go on these ‘field trips’ with my mom, which is basically we go to see an exhibit at a museum, we go eat at a new resturant, we go exploring, etc. It is a lot of fun, and I’m really glad that we do this. Well, yesterday we drove to the Canton museum to see the Kimono as Art exhibit.

“Internationally acclaimed artist Itchiku Kubota used silk kimono as his canvas.  He often used nature as the inspiration for his work.”

“This stunning exhibition of forty over-sized landscape kimono is visiting the United States for only the second time, since its 1995 exhibition at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC.” So far Itchiku Kubota is the only living person to have an exhibition at the Smithsonian. How cool is that?!

“Itchiku Kubota’s dream was to live to be 100, the time it would take for him to complete a series of 75 kimono that would hang side-by-side, forming a monumental tapestry of the four seasons called Symphony of Light. He completed 30 of these pieces, Autumn and Winter, before his death on April 26, 2003.”

“It wasn’t until 1977, when he was 60 years old, that he finally succeeded in his quest and developed his own method, which he called Itchiku Tsujigahana. Kubota used a complex process of layering dyes, inks and embroidery, on eight-foot-tall kimono. A single kimono could take as much as one year to complete.”

We also went to go see my sketchbook display and ate at a new resturant called Tommy’s downtown. It was wonderful. And I got some new art supplies. WOOT!

The weather is perfect here. I’m actually itching to go outside, so I’m going to go on a run. Enjoy the day!!!


This needed to be posted…. April 16, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:14 pm

Art Supplies April 15, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:47 am


Art Supplies I would like:

*masking fluid (for watercolor) *neutral tint (winsor & newton watercolor paint) *a watercolor travel kit *color wheel (maybe) *artist pens

I’ve got some artist catolouges and I have been highlighting all the art supplies I want. Now that I’m getting pay checks I need to be careful with my money. I’m going to spend it all, just cause I have it. I want to save up for a trip to Japan, for some artist supplies (I really don’t need anymore right now), and a few art classes.

I swear I had other stuff to talk about when I started this journal entry….but I guess not. As noah would say: ‘Ohs Nos’. Guess it will have to wait for a different post when I think of it again. Cya!


Best Picture Ever…. April 14, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:34 pm
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I was driving down the road when I saw this sign, and I laughed out loud. I actually turned around and drove by again so I could get a picture, because I just had to share.


I bet you laughed too.

I’m sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. I started my new job and is kicked my butt! Week long shifts of 12 hour days are rough! I love it so far. I’m learning alot as a vet assistant, and the job is anything but slow and boring. I got to play with two seven week old puppies (caviler king/bichion mix) and they were adorable. I’m going to come home with a stray I know it!

My art has been on a standstill since I finished my sketchbook to go on display. Which makes me sad, I really am going to try and start doing that everyday again. My workout schedule has also been thrown completely out of whack. Silly new job. Half way through the month and I haven’t accomplished anything. AIIIYYYEEEE! I need to pick it up!

Easter was wonderful. I love the feeling of family, everyone around and talking and happy to be there. Linny is due in a month. I can’t believe how big she is….being pregnant still scares the hell outta me, I hope someday I’m okay with the idea. Cause I do want a family eventually, but right now…I can’t even comprehend it. Anyway, in a month I’m going to have a little cousin running around. I don’t think I’ll believe it til I see it.

I think that’s about it. I’m going to start making ATC (artist trading cards), but first I have to clean off my desk. And I have a stack of postcards to send out. One more day before the dreaded 12 hour a day week starts. So you probably won’t hear from me for awhile. I’ll try to keep updates going. Have a good one!


First Day on the Job April 6, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:17 pm
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I like how you can see the moon.

It did not look like this today. Yesterday it was 60 degrees, today it was snowing. Gotta love this place. I had my first day of work today. I was supposed to work 7:30-6:30. I worked til 8:30. Woot! I kinda hope this isn’t going to be a normal thing, cause 13 hours a day is rough. My feet are killing me. And I still gotta pull these hours for the next two days.

But today was excellent. Time flew, everyone was wonderful, free good food, cute adorable pets. It was a very good work day. Although now I’m going to go crash. I haven’t been doing any art since Wed. I also haven’t been to the gym for about two weeks. So I need to fix this. I could go now, but I think I’m going to coma instead.

I found an absolutely AMAZING tea place: Teavana. I love it. Wonderful. Unfortunately, it’s not a sit-down place, but it does have high quality wonderful tea. So that’s great.

I really would love to type more, but I need to crawl into bed, or I’m going to sleep at my desk tonight. Night kids. I’ll write more later.


End of Month Summary April 1, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:33 pm


March is officially over.

Days Total: 31

Days I worked on Art: 20

Days I worked out: 7 (it doesn’t look like much, but my goal to start was twice a week, and I was only one day off.)

Things I accomplished: Shoot decently in Nationals, got second in States, Started my new job, Made my room more comfortable and me, took a watercolor class and made new artist friends, took my art more seriously, finished a sketchbook to go on display, kept a better attitude, and was happier this month.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Work out at least twice a week (hopefully three times), Get used to my new job schedule, plan a trip to Japan, work on art just as much as last month, spend more time with friends and family, get a tan (i’m pale as a ghost right now, no joke), sign up for a new class (dance, life drawing,  yoga….), be more financially independent and stable, keep my room cleaner and more organized (snicker), read three books, finish another sketchbook, and cook a new recipe.

I’m going to try and do this at the end/beginning of every month.