Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Kimono As Art: The Landscapes of Itchiku Kubota April 26, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:32 pm
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kimonoI go on these ‘field trips’ with my mom, which is basically we go to see an exhibit at a museum, we go eat at a new resturant, we go exploring, etc. It is a lot of fun, and I’m really glad that we do this. Well, yesterday we drove to the Canton museum to see the Kimono as Art exhibit.

“Internationally acclaimed artist Itchiku Kubota used silk kimono as his canvas.  He often used nature as the inspiration for his work.”

“This stunning exhibition of forty over-sized landscape kimono is visiting the United States for only the second time, since its 1995 exhibition at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC.” So far Itchiku Kubota is the only living person to have an exhibition at the Smithsonian. How cool is that?!

“Itchiku Kubota’s dream was to live to be 100, the time it would take for him to complete a series of 75 kimono that would hang side-by-side, forming a monumental tapestry of the four seasons called Symphony of Light. He completed 30 of these pieces, Autumn and Winter, before his death on April 26, 2003.”

“It wasn’t until 1977, when he was 60 years old, that he finally succeeded in his quest and developed his own method, which he called Itchiku Tsujigahana. Kubota used a complex process of layering dyes, inks and embroidery, on eight-foot-tall kimono. A single kimono could take as much as one year to complete.”

We also went to go see my sketchbook display and ate at a new resturant called Tommy’s downtown. It was wonderful. And I got some new art supplies. WOOT!

The weather is perfect here. I’m actually itching to go outside, so I’m going to go on a run. Enjoy the day!!!


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