Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Cat.On.My.Back! May 16, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:17 pm


Yesterday was an okay day. We had half an hour to kill at work and there is this adorable cat up for adoption in the clinic. I played with him for the half an hour, cause everything was done and I figured he needed to run around and play. I did too. So we played. His name is Doug, I call him Dougie. Although I think he looks more like a Gary. Well after playing for awhile I stood up and just let him run around, but he really wanted to be by me. And I had an entertaining time watching him trying to jump up the counters, which he was to small to jump on. And as I giggled I suddenly felt little claws on the back of my leg, on my but, and then on my back. Suddenly there was a cute little big eyed face looking at me saying ‘Isn’t this great! I’m up here with you now! Love me!!’ And all this time my brain is registering slight pain and CAT. ON. MY. BACK. Once I got him to let go with his claws we laughed about it, but it was a slight unpleasant surprise that was completely outweighed with cuteness and love. I would adopt that cat if I could. And that’s alot coming from me.

So today I feel even crappier. I feel like complete shit actually. I think my body is still in shock. We had a dog attack today. No one got hurt, thank goodness, but it scared the hell outta me. It was me and a doc and we were trying to draw blood when all the sudden the dog lunged at her. We both backed up from the dog and stopped touching him cause usually that’s all it takes for them to stop. But then he lunged at her again, and then again. The third time he came very very very close to biting off her face, it caught her hair in it’s mouth. Thank god I had the leash in my hand still and I yanked it away. She moved back as far as she could, the owner was trying to control her other two large dogs that were in the room, and I just stood there holding a leash to an attacking dog thinking ‘oh my god, what if he turns on me?’ We got him to stop lunging by throwing treats at him, and after we made sure everyone was okay we booked it outta that room and muzzled that dog and got that stupid blood draw. Just for the record, he’s not a mean/bad dog. It was just to much and he snapped. It happens. But it scared the hell outta me. The doc said I did exactly what I needed to do and that I saved her life. Maybe not her life, but definitely her face. So I feel like I need a nice shot of Petron, however it costs nine dollars which is an hour of work and I just have issues spending that money. I think I would feel better, but whatever. I don’t know what I’m up to tonight, I’m lonely, depressed, and crappy. It was a rough day. Thank goodness for Dougie, after the attack I said I needed a break, stole the cat, and sat in one of the exam rooms for awhile just trying to get myself under control.

So everyone’s okay. I have a day off tomorrow. I feel absolutely horrible and I wish I had someone here with me. Of course I’m by myself, I’m always alone now. Sorry for the depressing post, but I’m still trying to ..well, feel better. I really don’t have anyone to talk to, so this might help.


New Baby! May 8, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:13 am
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This is not a picture of the new baby….I don’t have one yet because she was born at 12:03am last night….when I do have one though, you’ll know. Her name is Colette Jane. She is 7 lbs 10 oz. and 19.5 inches. She is a healthy baby with all ten toes and fingers, and I’m so excited! She is my second cousin…but we’ll just call her my neice. Her birthday is May 8, 2009. I can’t believe this, and I can’t wait to see her. 🙂 What a great way to start the day.


Good Things are Happening May 7, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:49 pm
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I love that these little clovers decided to grow in this seashell. I’m going to draw or paint this eventually.

So, here’s what’s happening in my life. I am a bridesmaid in Justin’s wedding. I’m so excited I can’t stand it. This means so much to me! At the same time I am a little depressed because I don’t have anyone right now. So I’m a little sad and lonely, but if I think about it. I don’t want to be married right now, I don’t think I’d even be okay being engaged right now, so it’s okay then I’m single. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited for Justin and Katie, and everyone else I know who’s happily with someone. It just got me thinking, and even though I’m lonely, I’m okay being single. So, back to the original statement: I’M A BRIDESMAID!!!!

I was in the newspaper today…the picture took up 1/3 of the page….and in my opinion it’s a horrible picture of me. But it’s exciting to be in the paper. I’m in there because they did an article about where I work.

I won money at archery for the first time in my life. Very exciting. It was after work, I went to the money shoot mostly because they had pizza and if I would have went home I would have crashed. So I went to the shoot, ate some pizza….and didn’t really shoot because I didn’t have the strength to pull my arrows through the clicker. I stuck around, and eventually they called my name, and I shot one arrow, dead center. Yay!

I looked super cute today. Just as a side note.

Yesterday, at work, there was a gremlin who was pretending to be a dog. It was a little pug/bulldog mix……and sometimes it would sound like a normal dog, but when you weren’t looking at him, he made gremlin noises. Little sqeaks and clicks….it was highly entertaining. Seriously, go watch the movie Gremlin, the noises from that movie, this little dog was making. So I called him Gremlin the whole day he was with us and he made me giggle every time I heard him.

I finally clipped my bunnies nails. Zoe broke my bracelet from Spain (I can fix it) and Nala gave me some good scratches, but I held them long enough to get all their nails clipped and I’m proud. Nala wouldn’t go back in her cage for an hour. My little plants are growing. I love the green color the trees are outside my window. It’s beautiful weather. I’m going to be in a wedding. 🙂 Work is going great. Life is good.


End of Month Summary – April 09 May 2, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:45 pm


I really like this picture because of the color combination of the orange fish and the green moss. I also like the lil feather that’s caught in the moss and the reflection of the sky. I took this picture of my backyard pond which I realize is now going to be my drawing spot for this summer. There’s so much there that inspires me.


Days Total: 30

Days I worked on Art: a pathetic 7

Days I worked out: hahahaha…only three….I’m really hoping I forgot to mark some, but I think that’s right.

Things I accomplished: Started my new job and the crazy new schedule (12 hr a day shifts for a full week)- which is why my art and working out suffered. Although I did lose ten pounds since I started working out. Made new friends, learned lots of new things about dogs and cats. I successful scruffed a cat (big deal for me, really).  Finished my watercolor class and archery league (finished third). My sketchbook was on display. I read two books. Went on a few wonderful field trips with my mom (ex: Kimono exhibit and Teavanna). I got my hair cut – not to much different then before.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Definitely paint and draw more. Work out at least twice a week, I would like to be more toned. Go out more, since I’ve started my job I’m rather lonely and don’t want to go out much cause I’m tired. Be more financially stable. I still need to get a tan and plan a trip to Japan (especially now since Anna will be there). I want to take a life drawing class,  keep my room cleaner and more organized (snicker), use art books and learn more, finish another sketchbook, and cook a new recipe.