Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

End of the Month Summary – June 09 July 4, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:16 pm
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Days Total: 30

Days I worked on Art: 8 I went sketching at the zoo whenever I could and I also joined a life drawing class.

Days I worked out: 6, and I haven’t worked out in two weeks. I really need to stop slacking.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I joined an art class. I started going salsa dancing and making some new friends. I turned 24 this month!!! Calvin passed away. 😦 I got an excellent review at work. I had three dates, which is nice, I haven’t had a date in forever. I really like one, and we’ll see how it goes. Went to the art museum. Sketched at the zoo on free Mondays. I wore my bathing suit for the first time since Greece and I feel comfortable in it. I got a new computer for my birthday!!!

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Definitely paint and draw more. Work out at least twice a week. Maybe go down to Georgia and visit KT this month. Try and keep my desk clean so that work on art/paint more. Make a financial plan. Think before I speak/keep my mouth shut (at work, I tend to say stupid things before I realize it). Not eat as much junk food – also at work. Get a tan. Have a wonderful month!!