Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Happy Toast August 31, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:01 pm
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I know I said I would only put up pictures I had taken, but I had a super crappy weekend. I needed something to cheer me up, so I typed in ‘happy background’ in google and this is what came up. I have it as my background, tiled, and it really does make me smile everytime I see it. I had to share.

So I met a guy I kind of like and we’ll see how that goes.

I brought home a kitten to take care of because he needed constant care over the weekend. His name was Lucas, but I called him Puffer because he had a puffy face. I feel in love the second I got him home, but unfortunately we had to euthanize him Sunday morning. I couldn’t save him and I cried the whole morning. I had stayed up all night taking care of this kitten and watching animal planet. So I pretty much slept all day.

Since Dan was in town I called him to come get ice cream with me to cheer me up. Unfortunately, it just made me feel worse because we got in a snit. I said something that made Dan snap at me. Dan has never snapped at me, or anyone as far as I know in the nine years I’ve known him. I was so shocked I basically burst into tears immediately. I decided not to get ice cream with him.

I’m two weeks behind on three art swaps, soon to be four. I haven’t worked out or worked on art since I went down to Cinci for the weekend.

On that note, I had an absolutely wonderful time in Cinci. I’m so glad I went. We ate AMAZING food the whole weekend, we got to relax, we dressed up and went out. I love my girls. I also got to see my friend Justin who I haven’t seen for awhile and I got back in touch with my friend Dave.

So I know my post sounds kind of negative right now, but really, life is good, even if it knocks me down once in awhile. I really have a lot of good things going for me. I just need to get back on my path, especially with art and working out.

I did join a band. I’m looking forward to that. There’s also an online art journaling class I’m thinking about joining.


Art in Me August 12, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:44 am
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Moss is very hard to draw, as is water. Just in case you’re wondering that. I would love to draw this scene, and others like it inspired by my pond out back, but it’s frustratingly difficult.

My friends have put me in a good mood two nights in a row. I’ve been in something of a funk, and both nights I come away from my friends with a refreshed air, and happy mood, and thankfulness that I have people like them in my life. I really am lucky. I just wish I could hold on to that attitude, that feeling, instead of sinking back down into …blah.

Usually when I’m in a funk I’m rather anti-social. I don’t have much to talk about and I know I’m no fun, so I don’t subject anyone to it. At the same time I crave attention, someone to just be by that cares about me. Weird I know.

You’ll usually find me, by myself, at bookstores or art stores. I read books, because for awhile I can be someone else, somewhere else, without any real worries. Even if I browse the art store for hours and only come away with a new pen or a new sketchbook it makes me feel better. With that, I can create something beautiful even though I feel ugly inside.


Smell of Hawaii August 11, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:09 pm
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DSC02420My friend got me this soy candle when she went to Hawaii. Apparently, Hawaii smells just like this candle. It makes me smile every single time I look at it. I don’t want to burn it!

Yesterday I took my friend out for her birthday. We got coffee, talked for awhile, and then went to go see Julie and Julia. I loved that movie, it is a must buy when it comes out. Guys will not like it unless they appreciate cooking. Meryl Strepp (sp?) is amazing. It gets a little slow at the end, but it was a great movie. I had a wonderful time with my friend, it was very refreshing. I’m so lucky to have her in my life.

I decided I want a love like in that movie.  The love that Julia Child and her husband had is a love of fairy tales. One in a million. Do I really have any chance of finding that?  I want a passion like in that movie. I don’t really have anything that I jump out of bed for in the morning. The only time I can remember being excited about getting out of bed was for traveling. But I’m talking, a purpose in life; something that makes every day worth living. Traveling can’t be a purpose can it? I don’t know. I have many things that I enjoy. And I know I am passionate about art and animals. I’m just rambling, it’s what blogs are for.

Oh, and I want to live in Paris. They made it seem so romantic and wonderful.


End of the month Summary – July 09 August 1, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:37 am
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Days Total: 31

Days I worked on Art: 7 – I created a painting I am very proud of based on one of Van Gogh’s paintings. I also finished up my life drawing class, so now I am looking for a new class to take.

Days I worked out: 5 – LAME

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: KATIE GOT ENGAGED!!!! So very exciting. We are planning the wedding and I am co-maid of honor. It’s so very exciting. I found a new crush. He is amazing, and what’s worth mentioning is that I had the guts to ask him out. He has a gf, which I expected, but I’m very proud of myself for asking. Everyone was so worried he would say no, I was a bit more worried he would say yes. Anyway, yay for me. Anna moved to Japan. I will miss her, but I am so very excited for her. I went to a behavioral conference for animals, which got me thinking about going back to school to become a registered vet tech. I’m looking into this now. I scheduled a vacation for myself to go down to Charlotte, NC. I’m very excited.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Definitely paint and draw more. Work out at least twice a week. Look into art classes/a new gym with kickboxing/vet school. Clean up my room (Seriously).  Try and find a second job. Create another Van Gogh-like painting.