Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Dates January 22, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:29 am
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This is a puzzle I did with my dad while he was recovering from surgery. I wish I could have taken a better picture of it, but I had to clear it away for euchre night…..which ended up never happening….but I really like this puzzle. We recently got  a new puzzle to work on that I look forward too.

So life’s been going. My week off was pretty good. It started with me getting my ass into gear and getting to the gym….which really made me realize that I need new tennis shoes. When I was there a personal trainer found me looking at a weight machine oddly and helped me out. Then he managed to schedule me for an absurdly early free personal trainer session.

Long story short, I apparently need to eat 2340 calories to maintain my body weight, so I should be eating 2090 to stay healthy, but lose some body weight. Good news: I only have 15% body fat. Woot! I thought I had more. That puts me in the athletic category, right above lean (which is 10%-13%). So I’m not to far off that mark. Just need to work out a little more consistently and eat a bit more consciencely and I’ll be leaner! Since I was considered athletic the PT really pushed me. My chest muscles were so sore today it hurt to breath. But it was a great workout and I am a little more comfortable around the gym. Needless to say, I turned down having a personal trainer, I cannot afford it.

On another note I have suddenly had very good fortune in meeting guys. I went on a few dates recently, but I didn’t enjoy them as much as I thought I would. There was no reason for me not to have fun and be happy. They were all very nice guys, all cute, all a little bit older, very gentlemenly. I figured out why. I’m not as confident as I was before last year. I used to be so self-assured, so comfortable, that I could just relax and enjoy being on a date. The last few dates I’ve been tense and nervous. A feeling that is …alien to me when it comes to guys. I don’t like it. I don’t like that I’m so guarded, tense, and untrusting. I just need to give it time, I figure and just keep going on dates. It might help if I stop looking so hard for a guy and then being disappointed when the ones I find aren’t perfect.

I don’t know. I’m tired now. First long day of a long week of long days. I’ll post again later this week (which is actually next week, just not on my time frame), and hopefully my thoughts will be a little bit more put together.