Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

End of the Month – March ’10 April 8, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 2:18 pm
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R.I.P. the baby tears fern plant. it was beautiful, but I was not able to keep it alive…Feb 2010-April 2010


Days Total– 31

Days I worked out – 3 – Sad but true.

Days I worked on Art – 3 – And they were the first three days of the month.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I saw a belly dancing recital for the first time. It was very interesting and fun. I found a new amazing restaurant that uses all locally grown food (the greenhouse tavern) and is absolutely amazing!!! I saw the movie ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ with my parents. It was a very cute and funny movie. I especially liked the soundtrack with it’s Celtic influences. I opened a savings account so when I finally decide what I want to do next with my life I will have a little bit of money to help me. And I reached my money saving goal for Japan!! Woot! I did find a bridesmaid dress for Justin & Katie’s Wedding and another dress that was originally $140 and I got it for $50. It’s really pretty on me, I can’t wait to wear it!

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: GO TO JAPAN! Plan my trip to Chicago at the end of May – this needs to be planned before the end of April. Finish my very overdue art swaps. Clean my desk and keep it clean so that I will actually work on art. At this point I don’t even care about the rest of my room, but the fact is if my desk/art area is cluttered, I will not work on art.

In other news…Mike really stepped up to the plate the other day when my ex showed up very unexpectedly in my driveway. He was there to take my sister to lunch, and I wasn’t supposed to be there….BUT my sister was late and I came home for lunch that day from work. I hadn’t seen him for two years. He really threw my completely off balance, it had been 2 years since I had last seen him. I called Mike very upset, he canceled the plans he had with his friends that night and told me to come over. He had been saving a going away gift for me, but gave it to me that night. It was a journal for Japan. And as picky as I am about journals, I really liked this one. He let me vent about the ex…it wasn’t that I missed him…it was that he reminded me of the worst point in my life, how depressed I was and how horribly and worthless he had made me feel….

I left Mike’s house that night smiling. I felt much better, my ex not even a glimmer in my thoughts. I’m very lucky to have met Mike, and if you couldn’t tell things are going well. 🙂

On to next month! If I remember I will make my update before the 28th, but if I don’t I will not make one until the 8th (kinda like this month). Just and FYI. For some reason I’ve been very overwhelmed since April began. I need to relax and just take one thing at a time.