Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – June 2010 July 3, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:08 pm
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My little cousin Colette. 13 months old and running around like a little rocket.


Days Total– 30

Days I worked out – 1 at the gym, but a few bike rides and hikes in between. I should start keeping track of those too.

Days I worked on Art – 0 I need to clean off my f*cking desk and then I’d actually work on something!

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: Lots of birthdays, including mine! I got a raise at work. My sister’s wedding shower went wonderfully. I got my shoes for the wedding. I repotted some plants and replanted the ones that didn’t grow. I started a daily picture project that I am already getting kind of bored with. And…that’s about it.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Pay back most of my debts. Get my bridesmaid dress fitted. Work at the gym more and clean my desk. Clean my room. Get outside more. Eat better. Yada yada, so on and so forth.


Daily Picture – 8

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 1:00 pm


Old Cemetery. Lake View.

We sat under a Buckeye tree. Made me think of my girls and college.

This is where James A. Garfield is buried. The 20th President of the United States. He got his own mausoleum, it was very cool to see. Had gargoyles on it and everything.


This cemetery is very old, some of the dates we saw went back to the 1700s. They had huge gravestones, mausoleums, and  obelisks.