Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture 16 July 21, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 6:03 pm
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Queen Anne’s Lace

This was my aunt’s favorite flower, even though it’s considered a weed. It always makes me think of her. Our yard is full of them.


No Name Desk Mate

I’ve had him for awhile, saw him in a store and decided he needed to come sit with me at my desk. Even though I’ve had him for years he still doesn’t have a name.

We celebrated my sister’s 24th birthday on Monday. It was a nice family dinner outside with chicken on the grill and sweet corn. I had covered a shift at work that day and I really needed a good meal when I got home. My boss witnessed one mistake at work in the morning and then blamed everything else on me that went wrong during the day. Someone didn’t order the bloodwork, my fault, someone didn’t stain the slide, my fault, someone didn’t turn off the compressor, my fault. I wasn’t even in dental today! And there are three other people there….*sigh*

I went over Mike’s yesterday, it was a very nice relaxing afternoon. We went to a really great grocery store and got stuff for dinner (pizza and a salad) and then we stopped at a gelato store for dessert (yum!). While we waited for dinner we sat outside on the porch and I was blowing bubbles. Why is it at a certain age we stop doing that? It’s relaxing. While we ate dinner we watched a few more episodes of Dexter. Then we laid in bed and just talked. It was a good night.

Today, unfortunately, was a failure. I am unmotivated and everything I do seems to go wrong. The pet store I usually go to closed that location and I got a prescription from my doctor, put it in the book I was reading, and promptly gave it back to the library. How stupid am I? I mean, who does that! I went back to the library today and of course they can’t find it, so I hope someone enjoys my medication….I called to get a new one this morning, they didn’t call back until 4:45 this afternoon and they closed at 5, so I couldn’t come pick it up. Grrrr….so now I’m trying to salvage my day by reading and finding something for dinner soon, because I’m  hungry.