Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Rebel with a cause August 27, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 7:54 pm

His name is Gizmo, and he is illegally and secretly living with me. It’s just for a few days. He’s an orphan, and a rather sick one, although he doesn’t look it in this picture.

He’s three months old and all sorts of trouble since he’s come to live with me. I brought him home because he’s been sick since we got him and losing weight and he isn’t getting better. The doctors were talking about euthanasia. I fell in love with this kitten since I’ve taken care of him for a week now.  So I took him home for a few days to see if I could get him to turn around.

I figured a lot of it was depression, he was a very social kitten sitting in a cage by himself unless someone had to give him medicine or it was my lunch break. The first day home I’m pretty sure he didn’t sleep. He was soooo happy. Purred for 12 hours straight. Seriously.

(He’s sleeping by my feet now, really cute). I made a little cage for him for when I wasn’t in my room…by the time I came back from starting my laundry he was out of it. It took him a total of five minutes to figure how to get on my bed. After putting him down about 20 times I gave up and went to sleep on the couch. Don’t get me wrong, I like to cuddle, and if he would have stayed south of my shoulders I would have been okay with it. But he had to be right next to my face, which wasn’t cool, since he’s sick.

So he got the bed for the night, although from what I can tell he slept by the door waiting for me to come back. He follows me everywhere. So yesterday he was better. He’s definitely eating and drinking more. Pooping a lot too…I found some on one of my shoes and wasn’t too happy about it…… He feels like he’s got a fever again today though, and he’s sneezing more then he did yesterday. I swept before he came, but I’m sure there’s dust everywhere.

Anyway, he’s adorable, and hopefully he’ll be doing better tomorrow. My plan right now is to keep him through the weekend, but if he still has a fever tomorrow I might have to take him back to the hospital.

Send good thoughts our way. That Gizmo gets better and that I don’t get caught.


2 Responses to “Rebel with a cause”

  1. Barwick Says:

    Soooooo cute. Poor little kitten, I hope he gets better! Way to not give up on him.

  2. halcyonandon Says:

    Adorable!! Sending you both good vibes 🙂 I hope he gets well soon!

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