Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Gizzy August 30, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:45 pm

The Giz says hi. He’s kind of doing better. He’s eating and drinking more, and he gained .42 lbs. That’s a big deal because he was only 1.44 when I brought him home.  He’s smaller then he looks. So he’s gaining some weight, but he can’t seem to fight this cold. Poor little guy sneezes all the time. I feel bad for him.

Aren’t his markings pretty? He likes to lay by my feet when I’m at the computer.

This is my favorite photo of him so far. He likes to hide under my bed and then attack my feet when I walk by. He fell asleep playing this game. How cute is that? How could you not love that?!

He sleeps most of the day and then wakes up around 3 am til about 11 am. At this time he likes to play attack. I’ve learned to move my feet around when I’m mostly asleep to keep him entertained and give him something to pounce on. When he does sleep, and I’m in bed, he likes to curl up next to my head and purr. I love that sound. But I’d like it better if she slept below my shoulders.

Well, I was going to post about a new career and grad school and other things on my mind. But I’m getting tired and there’s a little kitten looking at me with giant eyes. Night.


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