Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – August 2010 September 5, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 8:04 pm

Sneak Attack!

One of Gizzy’s favorite games. He never used claws. Most times when I walked by my bed, he would spring out and just touch my foot with one paw and then hide. Adorable!


Days Total– 31

Days I worked out – we shall not speak of this…..

Days I worked on Art – ………

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: My sister’s wedding. Definitely the most fun day of my life. The entire day was wonderful, I’m so happy for my sister. Having some  health issues this month, nothing major, but it’s very draining. The Yo-Yo Ma concert was AMAZING! The group was a pleasure to listen/watch. They travel the world sharing their passion and I’m very impressed with them. Mike moved to Boston, we decided it would be best to just be friends. I’m okay with this decision. I had dinner with Jackie at the Greenhouse Tavern. GREAT FOOD! I applied for the community college, only to find out I had applied six years ago and was accepted. So I’m in. I set up an appointment with a counselor to figure out what classes would best help me to get to grad school. I got GRE books to study, but I haven’t started yet. Lots of family dinners this month, almost every Sunday. They were very relaxing and fun. I decided not to sign up for any art classes, they just will not work with my schedule and were a bit expensive.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Finish cleaning/organizing/giving away thing. I’ve actually accomplished a lot in a few days, but I’ve got lots more to get through. Decide on the grad schools and programs I would like to apply to. Get a better idea of the job I am striving towards instead of a general thought. Art. Work out. Eat better. Be better at organizing and managing my time and money.