Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Bad Ass! September 23, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:51 pm
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I was super bad ass today! I am so proud.

I got up early and went to talk with my college counselor. She was impressed with how much I had organized already. We figured out classes, so that I might even be able to go to grad school this fall! Otherwise it will be two years from right now before I get to grad school. I don’t want to rush things, but I’d much rather go in one year then two.

After that I was super motivated and went to the mall to find a new clubbing/salsa dancing shirt/outfit. Instead I got four camis. Normally 1 cami is $18. I got them at the 2 for $16 deal. Awesome! I also got sweater because I’ve needed something lighter then a jacket for fall. I went out of my black/white comfort zone and got red! I also got the most bad ass shoes. (Yes, bad ass is the word of the day)

I also got talked into a straightener by a very good businessman. I’m not going to tell you how much I paid for it, usually I’m smarter about large purchases. Like the shoes, I walked away, thought about it, and came back. But this I just bought…not like me. It’s a little hard to swallow how much I spent on it, but I have a lifetime guarantee, and if I really use it I’m sure I’ll get my money’s worth. What really caught my attention was that he curled my hair with it, beautiful curls that actually stayed put. No, since I’ve been home I have not been able to replicate this. At the mall though I pictured myself actually doing my hair for going out and parties and whatnot.

I’ve been feeling like I look almost ‘unkept/sloppy’ with my hair lately. No matter what I do with it, it looks bad, like I don’t brush it our anything. So as long as I actually use it, this could be a very good purchase for me.

After the mall I took a nap, which was wonderful. Then I cleaned the bathroom. I cleaned everything; the sinks, the counter, the mirror, and the shower. I’m so proud, it hasn’t looked this clean since it was built.

After cleaning I realized I was sweaty, so I went to the gym and did kickboxing for an hour. NICE!

Then I came home. I was going to go salsa dancing for the first time in months, but I didn’t really want to go by myself and I was content to just relax at home.

See how awesome I was today! I really hope I can keep this up, because I have lots to accomplish.

But for now, it’s off to bed. Good night!


4 Responses to “Bad Ass!”

  1. WZ Says:

    oooh, i love the shoes. are they comfy? I want to get booties too…

  2. Ashley Says:

    I would like to see these shoes, but my damn internet won’t load the page! Very cool about being able to go to grad school this Fall. How many courses do you need?

    • littlelynx Says:

      Min: two bio courses. I want to take at least three. My college counselor thought I should take a chem too, to show that I’m well rounded. It would be the inorganic chem and then the organic chem/biochem. Which would not be a bad idea at all, except that’s a lot of really hard classes all at once. She said that since applications for grad school are due soon I possibly could apply and say ‘this is my awesome plan, so I will have the prerequisetes before I start even though I don’t have them right now’. We’ll see, I really need to go through the possible class schedule and plan.

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