Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – Oct 2010 November 2, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:07 pm

Domo says: “HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!”





Days Total-31

Days I worked out – I didn’t swim as much as I would like to. I am dancing a lot more though. I’m actually taking a class for Latin Body Movement. It’s harder then a thought, but it will definitely help my dancing and it’s a great core workout.

Days I worked on Art – I learned about soldering and stained glass. I made a mirror and a herd of turtles. I look forward to working on more projects like that.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: Went to a stained glass class with my family. That was a lot of fun and I found a new hobby. I learned how to shoot a handgun. I shot a .45 ….magnum maybe. It was intimidating, but I’m glad I at least have some basic knowledge about handguns now. I’ve been salsa dancing a lot! and I made new friends which is a lot of fun. I scheduled for classes. I am going to take Biology Principles I and InOrganic Chemistry. I am very excited. I went out of town to visit two friends. It was…more stressful then it should have been, but I’m so glad I went. I went to the dentist who told me I have my first two cavities of my life! Dressed as Little Miss Muffet for Halloween. And probably did some other things that I’m forgetting about. It’s been a busy month.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: I want to learn how to use the new sewing machine. I need to find a new job because my current job will not work with my new school schedule (boo). Clean my fucking desk. Find a scholarship or two. Research Graduate School. And….I would think of more, but I have to go back to work. Bye!