Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Charles Williams November 10, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:57 am
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Both of these paintings are by Charles Williams. You can find his website here: . He was featured in the artist magazine I get. I really like how he lets the scene flow off in to drips of paint.


I’m going to try and post about artists that inspire me. I’m sure like my many other ventures of posting this will eventually fail too, but I’m going to try.


My room is looking pretty good. I’ve been working on organizing my room and I think I’m doing well. It looks better then it has in two years. Sadly, that is not an exaggeration. I’m hoping to have my room completely clean and organized tomorrow before my work week starts.


I think I’ll add a small desk and bookshelf in the middle of my room. I like to keep all my furniture against the wall, so I have all this space in the middle of my room. I’m going to try and use it.


Nothing to really write about. It’s been a good week off. I think I have things more in order then I did before, not just my room.


I’ve been really lonely lately though. Not just for boy company, but in general. It seems like I don’t have anything to talk about really when I do get together, so I feel silly and out of place. I think it is just because I’m waiting now. For work to be done, for school to start. Two more months, which seems like forever. I know it will go by faster then I want it too, but at the same time I can’t wait for it to be gone already. This probably doesn’t make sense. It’s late.


Hope you enjoy the art. Hopefully I’ll have a completely clean and organized room tomorrow. I’ll let you know how that works out.