Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – Nov 2010 December 2, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:10 pm

Meet PineApple!

I can’t believe I’m writing a summary already!



Days Total-30

Days I worked out – I’m not working out right now so much as dancing every chance I get.

Days I worked on Art – I did a few little projects and some more stained glass. No drawing though. I really do want to get back to doing that. I used to be pretty good.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: Salsa Dancing! I must look confident and pretty  because guys are starting to notice and ask me out again. It’s nice, but I don’t know how I feel about dating right now. I got the cartilage in my ear pierced. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for awhile now since the first attempt failed. It’s doing well, and I really like it. I did it as a sister thing when I went down to Cbus so that made it even more special.  I got my first cavity of my life filled. Now I understand why people hate the dentist. I got to see a bunch of my friends and the holiday was absolutely wonderful. I feel like I really have my priorities in order and I”m excited for life for the first time in a very long time. I’m happy.


My Room Is CLEAN!!!!

Yes, it is still cluttered, but I am a stuff kind of person. I really did give away a lot of stuff. So I’m pretty proud of myself. And anyone who has seen my room over the last two years will realize what a miracle this is. I’m very excited about my little craft space I was able to make with the table in the center of my room. I really do enjoy being in my room now. I did not realize how much of a stresser it was before. Come visit, it still looks nice! 🙂

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Find another job since I am resigning from mine to go to school. Get Christmas shopping done. I”m usually done by this time, but this year I slacked. Dance more. Work on art more. Keep my room clean. And have fun!