Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

A Good Beginning to the Month March 5, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:07 pm

It has been a very good beginning of the month. I am doing well in school (just got a 79 out of 75 on my bio test) and I think I might be making a friend or two while I’m there. It was so nice, the day of the test we had a very long lab afterward, my lab partner brought me chocolate. 🙂 How sweet is that? I didn’t think she much cared for me, but that really made my day. I also like that the teacher uses our data for examples because we are so reliable. That’s right, I’m THAT girl. I hated THAT girl last time I was in school. Now I don’t care, I’m glad I’m her. I did kind of have a rough day on Monday, I was getting picked on for asking questions, for some reason it really bothered me. But you know what. Twenty bucks says I am do way better in that class then him and will continue to do so because I actually understand what’s going on. HA!


I went to the contemporary art museum for the first time. I’m still not a contemporary art fan, but there were some neat exhibits. One was a movie about 6 blind people coming in contact with a live elephant for the first time. It was amazing how they perceived the animal. I wonder if the ‘see’ differently then we do/how they imagine things. I’m sure they have to think differently then people who can see. Don’t you wonder what they are ‘seeing’ in their mind’s eye?

I would love to share my favorite, but I can’t seem to find it. It was….hard to describe, I wouldn’t do it justice. Just trust me, it was cool. Something I would put in my house for sure. I also found this in the gift shop: and this



Side Note: One of my classmates gave me the idea to shave my head for a cancer benefit. The idea stuck with me, for quite awhile. I seriously considered doing it. What kind of person would I be without hair? Would I be strong enough to give up something I love and define myself by for the good of people I don’t even know? What I still be able to consider myself pretty? I want to see I would be a stronger person, and that I could give that up and still see the beauty. I am not 100% committed to the idea though, so it won’t happen this year. I really really really love my hair, even though it drives me nuts sometimes and the idea of no maintenance/no shampoo cost would be wonderful, I am not ready to try that just yet. I also decided against the pixie hair cut for now (I was going to do that so I can donate my hair). I am just learning about hairstyles and fun things to do and texture, so I will just get a cut. How is it I feel guilty for not donating my hair? It’s not long enough, but I need it shorter. I shouldn’t feel bad about this….


Another good thing about this month, Anna’s craft box of wonders:


earmuffs included! Unfortunately, they are a bit small for me. But the possibilities of everything i can make is wonderful. I already made a terrarium:



I also put some of the flowers around my room to brighten it up a bit. I have a lot of art/crafts I want to do. It is nice to have a friend who’s into this so we can exchange ideas and crafts.



I was bit by the spring cleaning bug yesterday. I did epic amounts of laundry, cleaned all the animals, and even cleaned my bathroom. I pulled everything out of the drawers and cabinets, wiped them down, threw out anything I wasn’t going to use or was expired (apparently my sisters liked to stock pile things). The only thing I really have to do is clean the flower and scrub the shower. I also have some fun ideas to brighten up the bathroom and organize a bit better. Fun Fun.


Tonight was one of those nights that I really needed quiet, but I also needed company. I just needed to be near someone who understood that. Someone who was just happy to be near me, and me happy to be near them. Two friends reading together or drawing together. It would have been nice. Instead I had a quiet night by myself, rather lonely today. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good day. I am just very worn out.


Things that made me happy this week:

*watching people play wii skiing for the first time

*a doctor buying a chocolate bar for a patient

*patience of people

*tea karma

*unexpected gift of chocolate

*laughter of children

*free cookies (the good kind)

*card night with friends

*getting a full night’s sleep/no tossing and turning/ waking up refreshed

*chocolate tea – surprisingly good

*moss terrarium

*clean and organized room

*new makeup

*getting a plot of land at the community garden (what should I grow in it?)


Summary of the Month – February 2011 March 2, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:52 pm




Days Total-28

Days I worked on Art – 28! I drew something every single day of this month! GO ME!!! I completed my TAD challenge.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I am doing amazing at school, go me. I currently have an A in both classes. 🙂 A friend from out of town came for a visit, it was very good to see him. We had a wonderful family dinner. My dad was very sick, but he is doing much better now. My friend sent me a wonderful box of craft goodies and I am very excited to step outside my little creative box. Did I mention that I rocked TAD this month! Woot! And that’s about it……school is my life right now. It’s okay. I’m happy.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Schedule for my summer classes; I am currently set on taking Marine Biology and Organic Chemistry. I want to keep up with my drawing and art. Keep doing amazing in school. Maybe pick up more hours at work. And possibly help with a fundraiser for cancer.