Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – April 2010 May 3, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:18 pm

Unfortunately, this picture is kind of how I was early this week. Spikey, snarky, prickly. It’s wasn’t the best week for my mood. It was because of stress.


I can’t believe this month is over already!

Days Total-30

Days I worked on Art – Just a few times. I really like my drawing class.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I started walking the fitness trail by my house. I am pathetically out of shape. Went to my friend’s bridal shower. Dan was in town from Iraq. I spent a lot of time with him and some other friends. I wish we spent time like that more often. We played cards, had a cookout, went bowling. It was a great week with friends. I went to the Indian’s game with Dan and my dad and his dad. I got my first Indian’s game ball, we had great seats, it was Sizemore’s first game back and he hit a homerun, and I got an Indian’s shirt. I’ve been trying to register for my marine biology class, but it won’t let me in for some reason. I’m not worried, the teacher guaranteed me a spot.Β  I went to a little black dress salsa party. It was right on the lake and everyone was dressed up. LOVED IT. So much fun. Easter came and went. For some reason I was very disconnected on Easter, I think that’s when the stress started to hit me. Finals are soon. 4 tests in 10 days, no fun. I went rock climbing for the first time in over two years I think. I thought I would do horrible, but it’s amazing what your body remembers. I did alright for such a long break. I was so excited to get back into it I went right out and got a carabiner and a ATC bug. I also splurged on myself. I got $300 worth of cloths for only $100. WOOT! I’m on a mission for some summer dresses still, and maybe another skirt or two. And some shirts to go with said skirts. πŸ™‚ We’ll see…It was a good month.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Keep walking the fitness trail. I would like to be able to do a pull-up by the end of the month. Sadly, I can’t even do one. Schedule for the GRE test and start studying. Start looking into Master’s programs again. Rock Finals. Pick up some extra hours at work.


One Response to “Summary of the Month – April 2010”

  1. wreninblueskies Says:

    Great, girl! sorry your mood was prickly. I was in a bad mood, too (headaches!), but my friends kept teasing me for saying I was grumpy because apparently even when I’m grumpy I’m cheerful. πŸ˜›

    So happy you went climbing.. ahhh I miss it too! I don’t believe that you’re out of shape, though, as you’ve been doing tons of salsa dancing and getting a great workout through that. Soyay! The walking trail will just be a cherry on top. ❀ Just make sure to be safe there… bad things happen on public walking and running trails to solo girls 😦

    Now onto girly details… where did you get such lovely clothes? And how amazing do you look?!

    I love your summaries and wish the other girls didn't give up on blogging now and then. πŸ˜›

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