Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

May 15, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — littlelynx @ 10:02 pm

My marine biology class is canceled. I based my whole summer around that, and decisions about my future. I know everything happens for a reason, but I’m mad and tired and confused. Everyone’s telling me I can still go to he Bahamas. Apparently, that’s all they heard when I talked about this class. But I wanted to go and apply what I learned. I wanted a science based trip, a research trip. There’s a small chance that we’ll still have the class on a different campus, but including me there’s only four people signed up. I don’t think we’ll get enough people.

That begs the question what should I do now with my summer. I was so looking forward to it, it was going to be amazing. Now should I try and sign up for another class? Should I drop summer classes and get another part time job? I already asked, and they won’t give me 40 hours at my current job. If I don’t take classes then loans kick in again and I need a full time job to keep up with them. If I do take classes I have to make a completely new schedule. Either way, I think I’ll keep the kickboxing class I had signed up for. I think it’s going to help keep me sane this summer. Or at least force me to get in shape.

There’s really only one other science class I can take, the others are all filled already or I don’t need it. But if I take a difference science course I can’t go on the family vacation, which I feel I need to do. I have to get out of here and go sit on a beach. I need a break. Finals are finished. I got an A on my Bio final and in that class. My chemistry teacher is driving me nuts and giving me nightmares by not posting any grades yet. She better post my final grade soon, I would like some decent sleep. I feel so beat up. I didn’t realize how stressed I was. I was so happy before. Now that classes are over and my summer looks crushed I feel like I did before I went back to school. Lame, tired, unmotivated, indecisive.

I guess I went on a date with a friend, I didn’t realize it was a date until he showed up with a Gerber daisy. Points for him for knowing my favorite flower. We went to a murder mystery dinner. It was fun and the food was good. There were four main actors and then some people got parts to play. I figured out the murder, but my need for everything to tie together; I put too much thought into it. So I made it more complicated and therefore didn’t really figure it out.

I felt bad because I kept my friend at arm distance. This might sound silly but I’ve definitely got a wall up around guys. I’m not even comfortable around them like I used to be. It’s like I can’t even flirt anymore. I wish I could just tear it down. I’m sick of feeling like this. I’m no attracted to guys, I have no interest, and if they are interested I am uncomfortable. What happened to me that I’m like this now. It’s pathetic. How am I supposed to find anyone like this. How do I get past this and trust again.

I know why I’m like this, why I don’t trust, why I keep everyone away. I wonder if they ever think of me. The men in my past. I wonder if the one who made me like this ever thinks of me. Ever regrets it. He still haunts my dreams. Frequently. How do I get it to stop? It’s tiring and saddens me. I stay awake sometimes imagining different times, what it was like, what would happen if/when we meet again. He takes up much to much of my time. But I can’t seem to banish him.

Sorry if this blog is mopey, it’s how I feel. Lonely, sad, and down. I did warn you with the title.

I need to figure out what I’m going to do with my summer. If it totally fails I think I’ll go on a cruise even though I don’t really have anyone to go with. I’ve never been on one. I was looking at one that goes to Belize or one along the Pacific Northwest. They’re not to expensive. Since I’m not going to the Bahamas anymore I actually have some money.

I got the new Mumford and Sons cd, I’ve been listening to it for days now. I also read ‘The Book Thief’. It’s about a girl in Germany during WWII. Learning to read, hiding a Jew, and other things. I just finished it today. Very sad ending, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Sometimes I get so caught up in my books that I can’t help by cry or laugh or be concerned. I guess I like to hide there when I don’t know what to do with my own life. Is that cowardace? Am I wasting my life sleeping and reading and sleeping? I feel like I am. It makes me even sadder. I am lonely, but I don’t want to be around anyone. I’ll just disappoint them. I’m disappointing myself. I’m depressed. I realize this. I’m down and beaten and tired. Now I just need to stand back up and do something different. Because this isn’t working.

Not tonight though.

Maybe tomorrow.


2 Responses to “”

  1. wz Says:

    I really liked The Book Thief, good book. We all need to escape once in a while.

    Hope you figure something out for the summer!

  2. wreninblueskies Says:

    *hugs* Hang in there, girl. I hate it when plans like that fall apart; it’s happened me to twice so far, but always worked out. Once you’ve calmed down re-examine everything and look for alternate paths with other campuses etc. It’s easy to get fatalistic when a perfect plan fails, but don’t prematurely dismiss the decent ones just because they are not so perfect. Sleep on it! And get a vacation if you can. ❤

    Also, if you decide to work this summer, Brit recommended Lowes or Home Depot to me because they hire seasonally and with high pay. My dream is to work in the garden section! I may be uniquely screwed tough in that I finish school wayyy later than you and then have Cali til the 12th. So, I'm nervous it'll be too late to get hired then! 😦 You meanwhile have an excellent chance.

    Finally, don't worry about all this boy nonsense and imaginary failing at life. Priorities change all the time and right now you are being a badass getting A's in school and planning your future and still somehow finding all these sweet community classes in art and fitness. You are also a nightlife socialite, so many cute FB photos of your salsa-dancin' self. So don't beat yourself up if you can't do everything at once, you know? Your heart needs to work on you right now. You were basically never single all through college and possibly before (didn't know you then) — now's a good time to learn to be comfortable with yourself and your signleness again. If that means sort of overreacting in one direction (ie, feeling totally uninterested and turned off by guys) for a while, so what. You'll find your balance.

    The boys of you past didn't make you who you are. You did. Remember that, okay? 🙂 So where you go from here is also totally in your power.

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