Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture – 10 July 5, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 11:04 pm
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Happy Independence Day!

This is my favorite Butterfly Koi fish. I call him diamond head.


Stunning Colors

It was a pretty good weekend. For the 4th of July I went to see the orchestra at an outdoor theatre. I was amazing! You wouldn’t believe the crowd that was there. I had pictures of it, and I was going to show you, but during the transfer from my camera onto my computer most of my photos got deleted. I’m a little miffed and annoyed, but they weren’t really important pictures to me, so I’ll get over it. I do need to back up my pictures though and be very careful about how I transfer photos again because this whole deleting thing is not going to fly.

I  met the boy’s parents yesterday. I think it went well, and I really did have a lot of fun. I’ve played most of the songs from the concert, so it was actually nice to sit in the crowd and listen to them for once. I feel I have a different appreciation for them. There were of course fireworks afterward. It was a great night.

Unfortunately today I did not feel good at all. Just much too hot, and I don’t do well when it’s really hot like that. I was supposed to spend the day with the boy because he got off of work, but I ended up just going home. I’m a little bummed about that.

I started watching Dexter. I finished season one. I find it interesting, but at the same time disturbing. I don’t know if I’ll watch the next season or not. Have you seen it? What do you think?

Well, off to sleep for me. I’m still not feeling well, even though it’s about 90% better then I felt before.


Daily Picture – 9 July 4, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 12:12 am



They were setting them off a few yards down. The company that did this show usually does the city’s show, but didn’t get the job this year. So this show was awesome because they were trying to show up the city’s fireworks. It was neat to watch the men in charge of the fireworks.

Some of the pictures came out very interesting. I don’t have a tripod, so most of them were fuzzy. Some of them I’m glad they came out like that.


Daily Picture – 8 July 3, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 1:00 pm


Old Cemetery. Lake View.

We sat under a Buckeye tree. Made me think of my girls and college.

This is where James A. Garfield is buried. The 20th President of the United States. He got his own mausoleum, it was very cool to see. Had gargoyles on it and everything.


This cemetery is very old, some of the dates we saw went back to the 1700s. They had huge gravestones, mausoleums, and  obelisks.


Daily Picture – 7 June 30, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 11:04 pm

I didn’t take a picture yesterday because I literally came home and crashed. I didn’t even care. Tomorrow starts some time off for me, so hopefully you’ll be getting some more and better pictures then my lame end of the work day ones.


Japan Collage


Daily Picture (a few days late) – 6 June 28, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:20 pm
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Okay okay, so I missed a day. Is anyone surprised? Really?

I have an excuse for the second day I missed, honest. We lost power, and therefore internet. We got a very bad summer storm that took down trees, destroyed houses, and lucky for us just meant we lost power for 12 hours. So that is why there was no picture yesterday. I have no excuse for Saturday. I was very tired and didn’t even take a picture.


Moments that matter.

The difference between a girl and a woman.


Saturday was a very long day of work. I spent the afternoon with Mike. We watched Firefly and Arrested Development while eating Japanese curry udon and white rice. It was a wonderful night of just relaxing.

Yesterday was my sister’s wedding shower. It went very well, but it was so very hot and humid. Luckily the storm held out until we were done with the party. It made me realize how much fun this wedding is going to be and how great it is to see everyone. I also need to get my dress fitted. It will happen.

Two more days of work. Woot!


Daily Picture – 5 June 25, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 9:19 pm
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Different views of my new Serrisa plant.

I daydreamed about my art studio someday. It had a large L desk in one corner, the longer end having a window over it. I would have a wall of corkboard so I could put up anything and everything that inspired me. I would have hardwood floors and one wall of shelves/storage space – creatively designed or course. I would have another counter/tabletop where I could keep my ‘in the middle of projects’ so I could work on more then one. I would have an easel and shadowbox in one corner. There would be some sort of system where my reference materials were better organized, because right now it’s just in a big jumbled pile.

That’s really as far as I got. I’m sure I can add to it, but I’m very tired from my long day at work. So some reading and sleepy time for me.

That reminds me, I just finished the book ‘Butterflies of Grand Canyon’ by Margaret Erhart. I wouldn’t recommend it. 😦


Daily Picture – 4 June 24, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 8:50 pm
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The ‘I’ broke.  Birthday gift from my dad.

I kind of felt like this today. I girl without an identity. Someone people don’t know, don’t invite to things, don’t remember. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Especially at work. My coworkers all hang out outside of work. I’m not invited. No, I don’t want to go downtown and get drunk, but it would be nice to be invited. They have celebrated everyone’s birthday at work so far. Mine came and went, no cake like everyone else got, not even a general ‘happy birthday’. It sucked. I like who I am. But at moments like this, I wish I was more to people, not just ‘that girl behind the camera’.

I got my shoes I’m going to wear for my sister’s wedding. She said I had to get silver. I got sparkly glitter ones because I don’t have any shoes like that. I’m also excited that it’s little heals so I can wear them all day long. Now I just have to go get my dress fitted. Btw, I feel fat. But I blame that on the crappy day.

My seedlings are sprouting. 🙂


Daily Picture -3 June 23, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:30 pm
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The bike graveyard.

I biked today for the Fuller Center for Housing. One of my friends from highschool organized it and I said I would participate. Him and a few other people are biking the whole route from Niagra Falls to New Orleans. I only biked for a few hours, but I’m glad I did it. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I’d help them work on a house. What would it be like, to take 50 days of my life and just bike 70 miles a day? Could I do it? Would I enjoy it? What would I learn? I’m proud of him, and the other participants. I wish them a safe and happy month of biking. I hope they raise lots of awareness and money for their cause.


Daily Picture – 2 June 22, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 11:33 pm

I went a little overboard with the daily picture. But hey, I’m excited.


Katie’s wedding shower is this Sunday. Everyone is stressing about it it seems. I hope the weather is nice.

Butterfly/moth that is to white to show up on my camera. I found her when I went to get my mail.

Flowers in bloom.

I love when these bloom around my house. They always make me smile.


New Challenge – Picture a Day June 21, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 7:00 pm
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I decided to try a new challenge. I’m going to try to take (and upload) a picture a day.  This was brought on by the fact that I miss photography. I miss taking pictures and looking at things differently. This doesn’t mean that my pictures are going to be good, they’ll be random bits and pieces of my day. So here we go, my first picture of the day.


Me on my 25th birthday. All dressed up and nowhere to go. (that’s a lie, I’m waiting for the boy to get off work, he’s cooking me dinner tonight.) Painted my nails bright red. Used my webcam for the first time. I brought my camera, but forgot my cord, so this will do. At least my hair looks good.