Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture (a few days late) – 6 June 28, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:20 pm
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Okay okay, so I missed a day. Is anyone surprised? Really?

I have an excuse for the second day I missed, honest. We lost power, and therefore internet. We got a very bad summer storm that took down trees, destroyed houses, and lucky for us just meant we lost power for 12 hours. So that is why there was no picture yesterday. I have no excuse for Saturday. I was very tired and didn’t even take a picture.


Moments that matter.

The difference between a girl and a woman.


Saturday was a very long day of work. I spent the afternoon with Mike. We watched Firefly and Arrested Development while eating Japanese curry udon and white rice. It was a wonderful night of just relaxing.

Yesterday was my sister’s wedding shower. It went very well, but it was so very hot and humid. Luckily the storm held out until we were done with the party. It made me realize how much fun this wedding is going to be and how great it is to see everyone. I also need to get my dress fitted. It will happen.

Two more days of work. Woot!


Fall Weekend October 29, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 6:55 am
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So, it was a pretty good fall weekend. I didn’t get to go visit the boys in Indy, but I will soon, so it’s okay. Thursday I just relaxed. I went biking in the woods. I would stop and draw or take pictures. I was outside for hours in the perfect fall day. It was great! Friday I worked on art and had lunch with my cousin John. We ate at a Thai restaurant and I had Pad Thai for the first time ever. I wasn’t really a fan. We also saw Where the Wild Things Are. Sad to say it was disappointing. The symbolism was interesting and the artistic quality was great, but other then that it wasn’t very good. It’s kind of a downer  movie. And I’m not going to lie….the opening scene where the kid is dressed up in his wolf costume screaming and chasing his dog with a fork really bothered me. Later that night I went salsa dancing with Jessi. It was just us two girls and we never got a chance to sit down everyone was asking us to dance. I didn’t feel good, so I didn’t even bother doing the lesson….plus I wasn’t a fan of who was teaching my level. But I’m glad we went.

On Sat I slept in because I was still sick and then my mom and I picked up pizza for lunch and went to go visit my cousins. I got to see my 5 month old cousins Colette. She’s getting so big. She’s right at that stage where she’s really starting to move….once she learns to crawl that kid is going to be a handful. I told my cousins that I’d babysit anytime. I hope they take me up on this offer.DSC02621

That afternoon my mom and I just sat on the couches and watched movies. It was a very nice relaxing day. In the evening we went to a party for the workers of the cancer benefit I helped out with two weeks ago. It was more fun then I anticipated. My friends (with cancer) are so strong and inspiring. Such beautiful people. I’m lucky to have them in life. I felt very welcomed and accepted. I get along with the adults in that group better then I do with the kids my own age. It’s an odd feeling.

The next day…Sunday. We went over one of my coworker’s house and had a puppy facial party. No, we were not giving puppies facials. We were having a Mary Kay party and a bloodhound puppy just happened to be there. It was fun, and I did learn some things about skin care. I got a tinted moisturizer, the closest thing I’ve ever had to foundation for my face. And something called ‘satin lips’.  Jessi (the Mary Kay representative) promised to glam me up one night before salsa dancing. I’m excited to see what I look like with smokey eyes and real lipstick. I really should learn about this stuff before I turn 25. The rest of the day my mom and I just relaxed and hung out. It was really nice because I haven’t seen my mom in forever. My dad’s on a little vacation right now in Montana. He needs it. He’ll be back soon and then it’s surgery time. Blah.

I didn’t expect Monday to be anything, but I got a surprise phone call from a friend who had called in a sick day because it was so beautiful out. We went out to a farmer’s market to find pumpkins. I found some great gourds to practice drawing on and got those too. We also found the original cabbage patch kid.


We turned around and there he was just chewing away on that giant cabbage. So cute. I don’t think I ever liked cabbage…but I bet this mom doesn’t have a problem getting her kid to eat veggies.

We went back to her place and carved our pumpkins and made yummy pumpkin seeds. I decided to do something different for the first time in my life besides a face.


I did a creepy tree and a cat. Yay! I think it came out pretty good for not having one of those pumpkin carving kits. After that we went to a new Thai restaurant in the area and had crab rangoon, some curry, and some delicious banana chocolate spring rolls. Amazing. I’m definitely going back there again. Afterward I came home because the Youngin was sick. I really hope I don’t get sick. Tuesday wasn’t really anything to talk about. I stayed in my pjs all day. No joke.

On my last day off before hell week, today, I slept in and then set to work on my room. The only thing I managed to clean off was my desk….and my floor and bed took the brunt of that. I feel like I can’t ever be clean and organized. It’s sooo very furstrating. Mar…anyway, I did laundry, dishes, and set of on errands. I went to Bally’s, got my membership, and then found out the pool hours. I’m going swimming damn it! Then I went to Sears and got some sandpaper because I had a really cool shelf for art stuff but the drawers were sticking. I also went to the pet store and stocked up on bunny food. I’ve been trying to bunny-fi my room before my dad gets back so I can get them up here. I have no idea how I managed to do that in college because it’s proving to be very difficult. I also stopped at Kmart to try and find a bookend for my desk…..and came out with a 1lb bag of twizzler bites and arm length gloves. I feel this is the best purchase of the day.

Next I went to Pat Catans and picked up a glass rectangle , some marbles, some black stones, and a fake orchid to make the bookend out of.



TaDa! I know it looks better less of the black stones in there, but I needed it to be heavy, so in they all went! I like how it came out. And since I knew you guys wouldn’t believe me that I cleaned of my desk. Here is a lovely picture:



Well, I’m off to work now. I feel like this week is going to be rough. Hope I’m wrong. I actually typed all this out yesterday night, but right at the end it froze and then wordpress wouldn’t work for me. So I checked this morning and lucky for me half of it was here. Okay, have a good one!



New Baby! May 8, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:13 am
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This is not a picture of the new baby….I don’t have one yet because she was born at 12:03am last night….when I do have one though, you’ll know. Her name is Colette Jane. She is 7 lbs 10 oz. and 19.5 inches. She is a healthy baby with all ten toes and fingers, and I’m so excited! She is my second cousin…but we’ll just call her my neice. Her birthday is May 8, 2009. I can’t believe this, and I can’t wait to see her. 🙂 What a great way to start the day.