Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture -3 June 23, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:30 pm
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The bike graveyard.

I biked today for the Fuller Center for Housing. One of my friends from highschool organized it and I said I would participate. Him and a few other people are biking the whole route from Niagra Falls to New Orleans. I only biked for a few hours, but I’m glad I did it. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I’d help them work on a house. What would it be like, to take 50 days of my life and just bike 70 miles a day? Could I do it? Would I enjoy it? What would I learn? I’m proud of him, and the other participants. I wish them a safe and happy month of biking. I hope they raise lots of awareness and money for their cause.