Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture – 12 July 9, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 10:53 pm
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Bunny Honey

This is my bunny Nala enjoying some food, although she stopped eating because she was curious about the camera.

I like this picture because if you look at the deer’s face it looks like she’s saying ‘OH!!’, like she’s surprised.  In fact I can’t look at this picture now without it looking like she has her ‘mouth’ open in surprise.

Just fyi, yesterday was definitely one of the worst days in the history of the world ever. But! I got through it. I moped and pouted and slept. Today was better. Not good, but better. In an effort to make me feel better I’m being lame and listing good things from the last 48 hours:

A friendly cockatiel; small friendly kittens; the sound of a kitten purr; a 150lb great dane named Apollo and cleaning his teeth (it was calming, quiet, and he’s got sparkly pearly whites now); cat nap at work; fun clients; coffee; xrays turning out well; getting labwork done and organized; getting a paycheck (with bonus); a hot shower; not getting a major injury; my comfy bed; a good book; homecooked meal (japanese curry, jasmine rice, chicken, onions, and potatoes); air conditioning.

Ha…I was able to think of more bad things that happened and stress-related things then I was good things….but at least I have a nice list of good things. We’ll ignore the bad/stressful things for now and go to bed. Good Night.


Bunny Update January 14, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:50 pm

So it’s my first day off. This work week actually wasn’t bad. I enjoyed it, mostly because I got new shoes that actually support my back and feet So I don’t feel so very beat up at the end of the day.

Today I slept in until…..8 am. Wow, I know. Don’t worry, I had breakfast, let my bunnies run, and then went back to sleep. I also had lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in a very long time, which was nice.  Afterwhich I had a mission to catch my bunnies for a vet exam.

They haven’t been to the vet since they got fixed, so I figured I’d take advantage of working at one. Well, I thought it would be smart to let them get some energy out so they were running all morning. What I didn’t count on was Nala being wise to my plan. She would not go into her cage. It took me a good half an hour to corner her, scruff her, and put her in the carrier. I was worried I’d give her a heart attack.

You’ll be happy to know that both bunnies are alive and healthy. Although neither of them are talking to me right now. Not even with bribes.

So I’m super proud that I actually made it to the gym today. It’s so very hard after a week of not working out. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with it. Sorry, there’s no picture today. I’m watching Cloudy, with a Chance of Meatballs. It’s pretty funny.


Pet Dream/Christmas December 28, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:30 pm
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I feel that this is a very appropriate picture for today. It has been snowing for days. It’s a beautiful snowfall, the kind that sticks to trees and you can makes snowmen out of. But the wind is brutal. Very pretty.

I think one of my favorite things is walking into a dark house after a long day, and the first thing you notice is the Christmas tree with it’s lights lit up, then you step in the door and the pine smell of Christmas just envelopes you.  It will never fail to bring a smile to my face. I love the sight, the smell, and the way it makes me feel.

So I had a dream last night. I dreamt that Zoe needed to go to the vet, and that I felt I needed to bring Nala too. Since I’m going I might as well bring both of them. Then I was very worried about my baby chamelion. It was yellow and scrivaled up….don’t mind my spelling…it’s been a long day… I knew I needed to take him to the vet, but I also knew my vet didn’t see reptiles, but I thought she might look at him for me. So I squirted him with a water bottle and he kind of swelled up a little bit. So I kept on squirting him and he got bright red and normal sized and seemed to be very happy. I also had a hedgehog, who was super cute, that had to go to the vet too. Unfortunately there was a red eyed snake (think red eyed tree frog in snake form) in the cage with him. I didn’t want to bring the snake, just the hedgehog and I had a terrible time getting only the hedgehog out because I didn’t like touching the snake and did not know how to handle him. To make a long frustrating story short…the snake escaped and slithered off…reappearing in my dream randomly. Finally the bunnies were packed up, the chamelion was watered, and the hedgehog was ready to go. I got outside….and dropped my hedgehog. I looked and looked and looked. I found many other cute hedgehogs, but not my hedgehog. I was very sad.

I woke up worried about my bunnies and convinced I need a hedgehog in my life. I liked that dream, oddly enough. I just wanted to post it because I did not want to forget it.

My dad and I finished another puzzle. I really liked this one, although it was harder then I thought it would be.

Yes, it is a rooster puzzle. The background had sheet music and old maps though, I think that was my favorite part.

Christmas went well. I got a GPS so I won’t get lost anymore. I also got quite a few art supplies (SCORE!) , a table easel for painting on canvases, and a beading 101 book. I’ve suddenly gotten interested in jewelry making. Fun.

I’ve applied for quite a few part time jobs. I have all this time and I need to make some money for Japan. If you do not know yet…I bought a plan ticket to Japan!!! I am so excited it’s disgusting. 🙂

It was a nice relaxing Christmas filled with friends and family. My next week promises to be very busy and I have lots of plans for the new year. But I’m going to talk about that later. Right now I’m going to read about Impressionism Art and go to bed. Good Night


Good Things are Happening May 7, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:49 pm
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I love that these little clovers decided to grow in this seashell. I’m going to draw or paint this eventually.

So, here’s what’s happening in my life. I am a bridesmaid in Justin’s wedding. I’m so excited I can’t stand it. This means so much to me! At the same time I am a little depressed because I don’t have anyone right now. So I’m a little sad and lonely, but if I think about it. I don’t want to be married right now, I don’t think I’d even be okay being engaged right now, so it’s okay then I’m single. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so excited for Justin and Katie, and everyone else I know who’s happily with someone. It just got me thinking, and even though I’m lonely, I’m okay being single. So, back to the original statement: I’M A BRIDESMAID!!!!

I was in the newspaper today…the picture took up 1/3 of the page….and in my opinion it’s a horrible picture of me. But it’s exciting to be in the paper. I’m in there because they did an article about where I work.

I won money at archery for the first time in my life. Very exciting. It was after work, I went to the money shoot mostly because they had pizza and if I would have went home I would have crashed. So I went to the shoot, ate some pizza….and didn’t really shoot because I didn’t have the strength to pull my arrows through the clicker. I stuck around, and eventually they called my name, and I shot one arrow, dead center. Yay!

I looked super cute today. Just as a side note.

Yesterday, at work, there was a gremlin who was pretending to be a dog. It was a little pug/bulldog mix……and sometimes it would sound like a normal dog, but when you weren’t looking at him, he made gremlin noises. Little sqeaks and clicks….it was highly entertaining. Seriously, go watch the movie Gremlin, the noises from that movie, this little dog was making. So I called him Gremlin the whole day he was with us and he made me giggle every time I heard him.

I finally clipped my bunnies nails. Zoe broke my bracelet from Spain (I can fix it) and Nala gave me some good scratches, but I held them long enough to get all their nails clipped and I’m proud. Nala wouldn’t go back in her cage for an hour. My little plants are growing. I love the green color the trees are outside my window. It’s beautiful weather. I’m going to be in a wedding. 🙂 Work is going great. Life is good.