Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Hospital Visit/Fun Weekend/Great Color Clothing Choice February 20, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:30 pm
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So, my dad fell on the ice and hit head head very hard on Friday. I stayed up with him that night because I had a really bad gut feeling about the incident. Luckily that night he was okay.

However on Tuesday he got violently and suddenly sick. He called me and I took him to the hospital where he got a CAT scan. We sat around the hospital all afternoon and then got told to go home. I was supposed to wake him up every two hours to make sure he was still responsive.

The whole experience was very scary. I hated feeling so helpless.

The doctor called back the next morning and said my dad had a concussion and a severe sinus infection. So we’ve been taking care of him, and thankfully, he is doing much better. Why do I have a dad that ignores his health? It is very stressful.


At work the other day I asked a man in the store if he needed help. He didn’t answer, so I assumed he didn’t hear me, so I asked again. Then a different costumer said “I sure hope he doesn’t have any questions!!” It was the man who owned the store and approved everything in it! How embarrassing! It was a good thing I did that though, because now he knows I’m customer friendly I guess…..

I was told that sass is not attractive. Well to damn bad, I’m sassy, get over it. Anyone who can’t handle sass doesn’t have a chance with me anyway.

Sketch Book Ideas:

  • Tea Book
  • Plant Book
  • Travel Book

This weekend was my mom’s birthday. The whole family came for dinner, even my cousin John. We laughed for three hours and ate wonderful food. It was so much fun. I love my family, we are a bit strange, but man, do we have fun. 🙂

My friend Tyler came in to visit this weekend. Friday we went to the Greenhouse Tavern, because he appreciates good food. Of course everything we got there was AMAZING! I had curried squash for an appetizer. It tasted like Japanese curry! Yum. It had squash, chic peas, and bread crumbs with the curry. For dinner I had the Cauliflower, Eggplant, (and something else) Ravioli. DELICIOUS! And then for dessert I had chocolate chai pot de creme. OMG, it was orgasmic. I really enjoy that restaurant. I like the atmosphere, I love the food, the music is good. Definitely worth every penny.

Unfortunately, then I failed miserably as a tour guide. We finally found a bar that wasn’t to crowded/loud to hang out at, but I was exhausted. So I wasn’t much company I’m sure.

Saturday I worked, went swing dancing, and worked on hw. Two tests this week. IEEEE! But seriously, I think I will do well on them. I am still trying to memorize the transition metals ion charges and the polyatomic ions……help…

Sunday I took Tyler to brunch. We went to the Vine and Bean Cafe. Really cute little place; it was a house turned cafe, so it had all these cute little rooms with their unique fun quirks and colorful paintings.  Unfortunately I think I ruined his weekend when I said I didn’t want a relationship, which I don’t. And it’s honestly not because of him, he’s a great guy. I just don’t want one right now. I am 100% focused on school. Plus I don’t wanna do long distance. I hope he believes me, because it’s true. I still felt bad, but I needed to say it.

ANYWAY, afterward I came home and took a nap, then spent time with my mom and my sisters. Then did homework (mini rant warning). Okay, so my homework was telling me I was wrong, I had to name the ionic compound, and I did; aluminum iodide. However it kept saying, no, it’s wrong. I finally figured out why…because they had aluminum spelled WRONG IN THEIR KEY. Big dumb jerks. Sometimes I really don’t like online hw/quizzes.

Now I’m writing about my weekend and posting all the art I worked on….and now back to studying chem for the test tomorrow.

But before I go I was very proud of my color combination for my clothes today. I wore a:

magenta tank top under a:

golden yellow long sleeve shirt and:

robin’s egg blue earrings and necklace.


I really liked this color combination. I’m rather proud I thought to put it together. It’s more colorful then I usually go for and it totally worked. 🙂