Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

I need a man who…. February 20, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:53 pm
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I need a man who will love me:

  • when i don’t have any make up on
  • when i can’t love myself
  • when i’m in sweatpants and baggy sweaters
  • when my hair is wild
  • with sensitivity
  • with understanding
  • with encouragement
  • with passion
  • when i get in moods
  • when i’m ridiculous
  • when i’m overwhelmed
  • can make me laugh
  • kisses me often
  • i can have a comfortable quiet with
  • i can talk about anything
  • accepts me for me, with all my flaws included
  • likes to travel
  • loves animals
  • enjoys reading
  • puts up with my serial hobbies
  • likes to try new things/is open minded
  • enjoys the outdoors and nature
  • will do silly things with me
  • gets along with the rooftop girls
  • will understand when i need ‘me’ time
  • thinks of me often and with a smile
  • does little things to show his appreciation and love
  • dances
  • will go to museums, art shows, and galleries with me
  • will take care of me when im sick and crabby
  • rub my feet after long day
  • listen to me talk about my day
  • ask me how i am and listens to the answer
  • who will work through the tough times with me, not just give up
  • will put up with me when i’m being difficult
  • doesn’t mind that i can be rather messy, or at least accepts it

are these things to much to ask for?


Daily Picture – 5 June 25, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 9:19 pm
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Different views of my new Serrisa plant.

I daydreamed about my art studio someday. It had a large L desk in one corner, the longer end having a window over it. I would have a wall of corkboard so I could put up anything and everything that inspired me. I would have hardwood floors and one wall of shelves/storage space – creatively designed or course. I would have another counter/tabletop where I could keep my ‘in the middle of projects’ so I could work on more then one. I would have an easel and shadowbox in one corner. There would be some sort of system where my reference materials were better organized, because right now it’s just in a big jumbled pile.

That’s really as far as I got. I’m sure I can add to it, but I’m very tired from my long day at work. So some reading and sleepy time for me.

That reminds me, I just finished the book ‘Butterflies of Grand Canyon’ by Margaret Erhart. I wouldn’t recommend it. 😦


Pet Dream/Christmas December 28, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:30 pm
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I feel that this is a very appropriate picture for today. It has been snowing for days. It’s a beautiful snowfall, the kind that sticks to trees and you can makes snowmen out of. But the wind is brutal. Very pretty.

I think one of my favorite things is walking into a dark house after a long day, and the first thing you notice is the Christmas tree with it’s lights lit up, then you step in the door and the pine smell of Christmas just envelopes you.  It will never fail to bring a smile to my face. I love the sight, the smell, and the way it makes me feel.

So I had a dream last night. I dreamt that Zoe needed to go to the vet, and that I felt I needed to bring Nala too. Since I’m going I might as well bring both of them. Then I was very worried about my baby chamelion. It was yellow and scrivaled up….don’t mind my spelling…it’s been a long day… I knew I needed to take him to the vet, but I also knew my vet didn’t see reptiles, but I thought she might look at him for me. So I squirted him with a water bottle and he kind of swelled up a little bit. So I kept on squirting him and he got bright red and normal sized and seemed to be very happy. I also had a hedgehog, who was super cute, that had to go to the vet too. Unfortunately there was a red eyed snake (think red eyed tree frog in snake form) in the cage with him. I didn’t want to bring the snake, just the hedgehog and I had a terrible time getting only the hedgehog out because I didn’t like touching the snake and did not know how to handle him. To make a long frustrating story short…the snake escaped and slithered off…reappearing in my dream randomly. Finally the bunnies were packed up, the chamelion was watered, and the hedgehog was ready to go. I got outside….and dropped my hedgehog. I looked and looked and looked. I found many other cute hedgehogs, but not my hedgehog. I was very sad.

I woke up worried about my bunnies and convinced I need a hedgehog in my life. I liked that dream, oddly enough. I just wanted to post it because I did not want to forget it.

My dad and I finished another puzzle. I really liked this one, although it was harder then I thought it would be.

Yes, it is a rooster puzzle. The background had sheet music and old maps though, I think that was my favorite part.

Christmas went well. I got a GPS so I won’t get lost anymore. I also got quite a few art supplies (SCORE!) , a table easel for painting on canvases, and a beading 101 book. I’ve suddenly gotten interested in jewelry making. Fun.

I’ve applied for quite a few part time jobs. I have all this time and I need to make some money for Japan. If you do not know yet…I bought a plan ticket to Japan!!! I am so excited it’s disgusting. 🙂

It was a nice relaxing Christmas filled with friends and family. My next week promises to be very busy and I have lots of plans for the new year. But I’m going to talk about that later. Right now I’m going to read about Impressionism Art and go to bed. Good Night


A Father’s Dreams March 24, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:23 am
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I’m reading a book called “Make Your Creative Dreams Real” by SARK. In it one of the questions is ‘What were your parents dreams?’ Sadly…I realized I didn’t know. I had never asked. So this morning I asked my dad what a dream of his was when he was a kid. And he answered to be an artist. I then asked him why he doesn’t draw anymore…he looked at me a little confused and answered that he did. He said he is an artist, everyday he sees and creates things that other people can’t see. It manifested itself in the form of corian for my father. He really is good at what he does, and he really does see things differently then other people. What it could be.

I realized I had a very narrow-minded concept of art. That I thought it had to be on paper or canvas and done with designated ‘art supplies’. My dad turned his art into something that could support him, which is something that not alot of artists can do. I never thought of my dad as an artist…well, not professionally, but I love that he sees himself this way. And I do to. I think instead of a carpenter. I’m going to call my dad an artist from now on.

I asked him what a dream of his was that he had now. He said to see his kids successful. I asked if he had any dreams for him. He said not really. That he could honestly say he lived all his dreams and that he was content.

How many people can say that! That is amazing. I never realized any of this about my father. I am so glad I asked.