Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

The Blue Chair March 29, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:00 pm
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So I came home one day and the blue chair was sitting outside. I was so very confused, and kind of sad. This is by far the most comfortable chair in the house, and the fact that it was outside on a day when it was supposed to rain meant that the reign of the blue chair had ended. So I had to take a picture of it. I actually probably would have sat outside in it and read if it hadn’t rained, and then promptly snowed.

So life has been going well. I just wanted to write about this weekend because it was such a nice weekend. Mike took me to an absolutely delicious restaurant. Rich and Elizabeth were there too. Such fun people, we had a blast and the food was beyond delicious. When I first saw the menu, I didn’t think I would like it at all, but I was obviously being very closed minded. The restaurant is called the Green house Tavern. Check out their menu if you’re interested:

Apparently I fail at links….but that’s the website. I tried goose liver for the first time, had lamb ravioli, dates wrapped in bacon, tried fiddlehead ferns for the first time, and had a delicious rum raisin crepe for dessert. It was all fabulous. We tried two different bottles of wine and then sat at the bar and had some cider from France while watching the OSU game.  During this time Elizabeth and I talked while the boys watched the game, which I was excited about because I hadn’t really gotten a chance to just talk with Elizabeth.

Afterward we were going to go to the International film festival, but the chances of us getting tickets for it were super slim. So instead, since it was right around the corner, I convinced everyone to go salsa dancing. We had a blast! I was so glad Mike finally came, although he did not dance. I taught Rich and Elizabeth how to salsa, and danced with some of the guys I know there. We all had a good time. Mike said he would give it a try next time as long as I teach him a bit before we get there. I said it was a deal.

The next morning the boys cooked a delicious breakfast of fresh strawberry smoothies, waffles, potatoes, and bacon. They also went out and got us chai and fresh coffee. Then we all watched TV and napped. It was so relaxing.

It’s amazing how I can spend so much time with someone and then miss them shortly after I leave.

The rest of the weekend was Japan planning – my next mission is to send out an email to the girls. I had a Studio Ghibli day. I even went out and bought the new movie Ponyo.

Now today is a different day, I need to work on some art swaps, go to the post office and get some stamps, and I think I might go to AAA and pick up some maps to help plan out Japan a bit easier.  Plus I’m just so excited about the trip that if I don’t do something ‘japanese’ today I think I’ll explode.

Have a good one!