Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Best Picture Ever…. April 14, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:34 pm
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I was driving down the road when I saw this sign, and I laughed out loud. I actually turned around and drove by again so I could get a picture, because I just had to share.


I bet you laughed too.

I’m sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. I started my new job and is kicked my butt! Week long shifts of 12 hour days are rough! I love it so far. I’m learning alot as a vet assistant, and the job is anything but slow and boring. I got to play with two seven week old puppies (caviler king/bichion mix) and they were adorable. I’m going to come home with a stray I know it!

My art has been on a standstill since I finished my sketchbook to go on display. Which makes me sad, I really am going to try and start doing that everyday again. My workout schedule has also been thrown completely out of whack. Silly new job. Half way through the month and I haven’t accomplished anything. AIIIYYYEEEE! I need to pick it up!

Easter was wonderful. I love the feeling of family, everyone around and talking and happy to be there. Linny is due in a month. I can’t believe how big she is….being pregnant still scares the hell outta me, I hope someday I’m okay with the idea. Cause I do want a family eventually, but right now…I can’t even comprehend it. Anyway, in a month I’m going to have a little cousin running around. I don’t think I’ll believe it til I see it.

I think that’s about it. I’m going to start making ATC (artist trading cards), but first I have to clean off my desk. And I have a stack of postcards to send out. One more day before the dreaded 12 hour a day week starts. So you probably won’t hear from me for awhile. I’ll try to keep updates going. Have a good one!