Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Kit-Ens! September 20, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:53 pm
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bundle of kittens

I got to take care of a litter of 5 kittens this weekend and I loved every moment of it! Okay..maybe not the 3am feedings, but other then that it was wonderful!! I had them for two days and they were a ton of work! Especially since they were mostly mobile. So I had 5 ten day old kittens going in seven different directions. They would also lay in my lap and sleep while I read. Adorable. Feeding time was a little stressful until I got the hang of it. Lucky for me they all took to bottle feedig pretty well.

feeding time

My favorite was the runt of the litter. I named him Blackie. He opened his eyes first (kittens do not open their eyes until 10-14 days of age) and he was definitely the most mobile and adventurous.

the favorite

I wish I had gotten a better picture of him. I can’t wait to watch them grow up! I have a few more pictures up on facebook, but they are hard to get pics of, believe it or not.

I also got all my errands done, did a major workout today (been feeling fat and cloths are a bit tighter…damn), and I’m getting ready for my vacation to Charlotte, NC. Soooo excited. I just realized that’s where the Carolina Raptor Center is. I’m definitely going, I’ve been wanting to go there since about four years ago.

It was an excellent day. I’m going to finish my art swap projects and read in bed.