Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Birthday Fun June 22, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:22 pm
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Well, it was my birthday yesterday. It was a pretty good day. I slept in, read for a little bit (I’m reading ‘The Butterflies of Grand Canyon” – so far I wouldn’t recommend it), and then slept a bit more. I repotted some of my plants and I replanted some of them that didn’t sprout well. On my desk right now I have an Aloe, a Painted Lady, a Christmas Cactus, and  a Serrisa(?). The last is one I just got recently and will be an excellent drawing tool. I will take a picture of him later. It is apparently a type of bonsai.

I got on a tangent. I really do like my plants. I wish I had more room for them. I’m learning as I go.  I enjoyed sitting outside and potting my plants and I made a huge mess and I had dirt under my nails for hours.

After repotting, I ran some errands, cleaned out the munchkins…I mean bunnies, and picked up a new book from the library. Then I got all spiffied up and went to my new favorite coffee shop to treat myself to some bubble tea.

The bubble tea, unfortunately, was not made correctly – the bubbles were much to hard, but I still enjoyed my quiet time there. I brought my computer and worked on my continuing education course for work. Then I putzed around on an art website and read for awhile. I was waiting for Mike to get off of work because he said he would do something special for my birthday.

And he did! I went over his place and he made me dinner. Stuffed porkchops with sausage and fried potatoes. There were supposed to be some sort of beans, but apparently they didn’t make it through the cooking process. Dinner was very delicious, honestly one of the best porkchops I’ve ever had. We sat out on his porch and ate dinner by candlelight.

For dessert we were going to go listen to live jazz music and eat gelato. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out, nor did the second choice for dessert. We ended up at another bar we frequented and listened to a ‘modern old-timey trio’ called Hey Mavis. Check them out, very cool: – listen to the song Red Wine. It’s my favorite.

I really like them. So it all ended up okay.

For my birthday he got me concert tickets to see Yo-Yo Ma and the Cleveland Orchestra, and Apollo’s Fire  – a smaller portion of the Cleveland Orchestra. I’m very excited.

Today Jackie stopped by and gave me my birthday gift. It was a bunch of foods from Japan. I really appreciated this because I missed Japan a lot today. I went to the mall and I found that Japan fashions have finally made it over here.

Well, time for me to sleep. Night.


New Challenge – Picture a Day June 21, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 7:00 pm
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I decided to try a new challenge. I’m going to try to take (and upload) a picture a day.  This was brought on by the fact that I miss photography. I miss taking pictures and looking at things differently. This doesn’t mean that my pictures are going to be good, they’ll be random bits and pieces of my day. So here we go, my first picture of the day.


Me on my 25th birthday. All dressed up and nowhere to go. (that’s a lie, I’m waiting for the boy to get off work, he’s cooking me dinner tonight.) Painted my nails bright red. Used my webcam for the first time. I brought my camera, but forgot my cord, so this will do. At least my hair looks good.