Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Smell of Hawaii August 11, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 1:09 pm
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DSC02420My friend got me this soy candle when she went to Hawaii. Apparently, Hawaii smells just like this candle. It makes me smile every single time I look at it. I don’t want to burn it!

Yesterday I took my friend out for her birthday. We got coffee, talked for awhile, and then went to go see Julie and Julia. I loved that movie, it is a must buy when it comes out. Guys will not like it unless they appreciate cooking. Meryl Strepp (sp?) is amazing. It gets a little slow at the end, but it was a great movie. I had a wonderful time with my friend, it was very refreshing. I’m so lucky to have her in my life.

I decided I want a love like in that movie.  The love that Julia Child and her husband had is a love of fairy tales. One in a million. Do I really have any chance of finding that?  I want a passion like in that movie. I don’t really have anything that I jump out of bed for in the morning. The only time I can remember being excited about getting out of bed was for traveling. But I’m talking, a purpose in life; something that makes every day worth living. Traveling can’t be a purpose can it? I don’t know. I have many things that I enjoy. And I know I am passionate about art and animals. I’m just rambling, it’s what blogs are for.

Oh, and I want to live in Paris. They made it seem so romantic and wonderful.