Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Summary of the Month – July 2010 August 8, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 8:42 pm
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The pond in my backyard. There’s about 100 baby koi fish in there. The blue heron statues are to keep the real blue heron away, but I really like how they look. Sitting out back by the pond is very relaxing, especially listening to that waterfall.


Days Total– 31

Days I worked out – we shall not speak of this…..

Days I worked on Art – a few days, but I didn’t count this month. Slacking, I know.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: More birthdays. Got my bridesmaid dress fitted, and it’s beautiful. Discovered an awesome farmer’s market. Had a fantastic bachelorette party. My work hit the goal of the month so we got a bonus! We also raised money for the animal shelter at work and it was a huge success. I did clean my desk by the way. I didn’t work so much on art as things that inspired me.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: Stress less.


Daily Picture – 13 July 11, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 10:14 pm
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The ring I bought myself today. It’s made out of a spoon. I love it!

The last 3 days were absolutely crazy! I’m sooo glad they are over. I hope the next three days are better. I definitely needed today. I talked with Mike and he just said he was sorry he’s been such a rotten boyfriend (he’s been distracted and distant lately). That’s the big thing he wanted to tell me. I don’t know why we couldn’t have talked about that over the phone, but I’m glad we did finally talk.

I went to my favorite craft show of the year and kind of splurged. It’s once a year, so sue me! I got that spoon ring, which I love. I also got a photograph/painting from one of my favorite artists. It’s really cool, the husband takes the photos and the wife continues the photos by painting the border. She’s just started adding animals, which is new and fun. What I like about it is she only continues a few things onto the border (a tree, a river, etc) not the whole picture and you can’t really tell it’s a painting at first. You think the whole thing is a photo. That’s talent.

I bought two other things, but I’m not sure if they’re going to be for me yet or not, they might end up gifts. So they will be a surprise for another time. Even though I feel guilty about how much I spent today I think I will end up keeping both. 🙂


Daily Picture – 11 July 7, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 11:17 pm
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First attempt at origami geisha dolls.

Mine is on the left. I think it looks pretty good considering the directions are in Japanese….

Warning: Vent!

I was mad today. Something is bothering me, but I can’t really put my finger on it, which is frustrating. Unfortunately, I took it out on Mike. He had made plans with me, but then he blew me off without a phone call. So I took my anger out on him, which he did deserve a little bit (I don’t do well waiting for  phone calls that determine my day), but not all of it. I think some of what’s bothering me is that he didn’t tell me about his last two days off and he’s been very distracted since my birthday. I brought all this up when I was talking to him. And then later, when I called to apologize for being mad he said he wanted to talk to me, but not on the phone, in person. I won’t see him for at least four days. Does he realize what this does to me!? I understand not wanting to talk about certain stuff over the phone…but this is cruel.

In other notes:

Anyway, the good thing about today was I got to spend time with my sisters, just the three of us. We went to dinner, ate ice cream, and watched TV. It was a very relaxed night and I’m really glad we got to do it, because I’ve been feeling very left out. My other two sisters have more in common then I do with either of them, and they spend a lot of time together and have inside jokes….anyway, I’m really glad we spent time together tonight. We should do it more often.


Daily Picture – 7 June 30, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 11:04 pm

I didn’t take a picture yesterday because I literally came home and crashed. I didn’t even care. Tomorrow starts some time off for me, so hopefully you’ll be getting some more and better pictures then my lame end of the work day ones.


Japan Collage


Daily Picture -3 June 23, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:30 pm
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The bike graveyard.

I biked today for the Fuller Center for Housing. One of my friends from highschool organized it and I said I would participate. Him and a few other people are biking the whole route from Niagra Falls to New Orleans. I only biked for a few hours, but I’m glad I did it. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I’d help them work on a house. What would it be like, to take 50 days of my life and just bike 70 miles a day? Could I do it? Would I enjoy it? What would I learn? I’m proud of him, and the other participants. I wish them a safe and happy month of biking. I hope they raise lots of awareness and money for their cause.


New Challenge – Picture a Day June 21, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 7:00 pm
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I decided to try a new challenge. I’m going to try to take (and upload) a picture a day.  This was brought on by the fact that I miss photography. I miss taking pictures and looking at things differently. This doesn’t mean that my pictures are going to be good, they’ll be random bits and pieces of my day. So here we go, my first picture of the day.


Me on my 25th birthday. All dressed up and nowhere to go. (that’s a lie, I’m waiting for the boy to get off work, he’s cooking me dinner tonight.) Painted my nails bright red. Used my webcam for the first time. I brought my camera, but forgot my cord, so this will do. At least my hair looks good.