Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Thoughts September 16, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:59 pm
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Gizmo went to his new home today. He’s going to need a lot of attention and care, that one. I really hope his new family understands and respects that. He’ll make an excellent pet if they take care of him right. I love that lil guy. I’m very sad to see him go, but happy that he found a good home.

Lots of things going on in my head. I didn’t realize how stressed I was until someone pointed it out. I’m better at not making decisions because I am so very afraid that it will be the wrong one. I realized today that if I don’t make a decision then I’ll never move forward. I don’t know why I am so afraid of ‘wrong’ decisions. I really need to stop stalling though and do something.

Ash requested a new ‘reading is sexy sticker’ so I made this:

As far as my biology classes that I’m going to take goes, I thought I had decided on four, but now that I read all the descriptions here’s a few more then four:

1.)  Environment, Ecology, and Evolution – Designed for non-science majors. Questions about the natural world are explored through an introduction to the principles of evolution and ecology, including how populations change over time and how organisms interact with each other and the environment. Topics include scientific inquiry; nature of science; evolutionary processes; diversity of life; population, community, and ecosystem ecology; human impacts on the environment; environmental stewardship; and regional environmental concerns. *I know it’s for non-science majors…so I might not take it, but it sounds fun.

2.) Introduction to Biological Chemistry – Basic principles of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry necessary for study of human physiology. Physiological applications of the chemical processes of cellular transport, communication and metabolism emphasized. Laboratory includes use of metric system, basic chemistry techniques and physiological applications. *A must take. I’ve never done organic chem.

3.) Horticultural Botany – Plant terminology, taxonomy, histology, anatomy, morphology, and physiology examined. Emphasis on horticultural practices, plant growth principles, and cultural requirements for plant growth. *This would help me decide if I wanted to major in Botany.

4.) Principles of Biology I – Designed for science majors. Considers molecular and cellular basis of life, energy transformation and metabolism, cellular reproduction, genetics, evolution and the origin of life, and introduction to biological organization. *A must take. I think this will help me get a real grip on Bio and if I want to do it.

5.) Principles of Biology II – Designed for science majors. Surveys biological diversity, examines plant and animal structure, function, and development, considers population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization and animal behavior. *Follow up to the I part of the course.

6.)  Field Botany – Study of the plant kingdom, emphasis on collection, identification, classification and ecology of local flora. Field trips required. *Um, Fun. Probably can’t do it though.

7.) Tropical Biology – Introduction to biology of the tropics. Topics include major tropical biomes, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability, and consequences of human impact on the tropics. Studies include identification of flora and fauna and adaptations of tropical organisms. In addition to on-campus lecture/lab during an academic term, students are required to participate and travel to a tropical location for a real-world learning experience. Field trip requires additional costs. *HELLS YEAH! I don’t know, it would be awesome. We’ll see.

8.) Field Zoology – Study of the animal kingdom, emphasis on location, identification, classification and ecology of local fauna. Field trips required. *Would probably take this one before the Horticulture one, really not sure.

9.) Microbiology – Survey of microorganisms in terms of physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and diversity with emphasis placed on prokaryotes and eukaryotes causing human diseases. Methods of their control including physical, mechanical, chemical, chemotherapeutic, and role of the immune system discussed. *Very possible

So I don’t know, we’ll see. What do you think?

I actually just tried to get into my student part of the website and it says my student number does not exist. *heart attack* Okay….deep breath……I guess I’ll be calling the school tomorrow and asking ‘WTF?!’

Btw, random note: this is my new wallpaper.

I typed in ‘vintage drawings’ in google and this came up. I liked it cause it seems kind of biology-like to me.

Soooo, two things. One: I can’t seem to decide on a major for grad school. Here were my choices starting two days ago: Biology Science – General, Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Developmental Biology, Environmental Biology, Zoology, Oceanography, Biopsychology, Plant Science, Botany, Animal Behavior, Marine Science, Plant Molecular Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Plant Biology, Biological Anthropology.

I have tried to research them (only got through about four) and I’ve now ruled out: Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Developmental Biology, Biopsychology. I might however have added Bioethics.

Soooo very difficult. I almost feel like going the general route would be smart, but…a cop out. I don’t know. I definitely need to get my head on straight and stop lying to myself. It might sound cool, but would I really enjoy the jobs I’m looking at? Would it make me happy? Would I be interested in the work? Are the hours/climates/work space what I’m looking for. I think I need to go more basic and find out what kind of job I’d like before I can find out what major I need to get that job. *sigh*

And last but not least, a thought that pops up into my head today. I have the opportunity to go out west, like I always said I would (I’m a big talker, I know). However, I would be far from my family and friends. I would not like this, but! I would be able to visit all the places I’ve wanted to visit my whole life.

So…two years far far away for traveling/schooling dreams? OR stay closer, within a days drive of home? This is a major decision for me. One that could simply be changed by what job/major I decide on. However, if the opportunity is there, what am I going to choose? I would like to think that I can go out west and live by myself, being all strong and smart. I’m worried though that I’ll fall into a slump, that I can’t do it.

I’m not asking you girls what you would do, because I completely expect everyone of you to say, ‘go for it!’. I just don’t know if I can. If I’m a strong enough person. I really wish I was, but what if I put all my eggs in a basket only to find out I’m not.

So yeah……that’s just a very small portion of what stressing me out right now. Enough, I know. Anyway, off to bed. Work tomorrow, and it promises to be a long day. Thanks for listening. Comments welcome.

I bet Gizzy is playing ambush right now.  🙂 I tried to warn them that that is his favorite game.


Daily Picture 16 July 21, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 6:03 pm
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Queen Anne’s Lace

This was my aunt’s favorite flower, even though it’s considered a weed. It always makes me think of her. Our yard is full of them.


No Name Desk Mate

I’ve had him for awhile, saw him in a store and decided he needed to come sit with me at my desk. Even though I’ve had him for years he still doesn’t have a name.

We celebrated my sister’s 24th birthday on Monday. It was a nice family dinner outside with chicken on the grill and sweet corn. I had covered a shift at work that day and I really needed a good meal when I got home. My boss witnessed one mistake at work in the morning and then blamed everything else on me that went wrong during the day. Someone didn’t order the bloodwork, my fault, someone didn’t stain the slide, my fault, someone didn’t turn off the compressor, my fault. I wasn’t even in dental today! And there are three other people there….*sigh*

I went over Mike’s yesterday, it was a very nice relaxing afternoon. We went to a really great grocery store and got stuff for dinner (pizza and a salad) and then we stopped at a gelato store for dessert (yum!). While we waited for dinner we sat outside on the porch and I was blowing bubbles. Why is it at a certain age we stop doing that? It’s relaxing. While we ate dinner we watched a few more episodes of Dexter. Then we laid in bed and just talked. It was a good night.

Today, unfortunately, was a failure. I am unmotivated and everything I do seems to go wrong. The pet store I usually go to closed that location and I got a prescription from my doctor, put it in the book I was reading, and promptly gave it back to the library. How stupid am I? I mean, who does that! I went back to the library today and of course they can’t find it, so I hope someone enjoys my medication….I called to get a new one this morning, they didn’t call back until 4:45 this afternoon and they closed at 5, so I couldn’t come pick it up. Grrrr….so now I’m trying to salvage my day by reading and finding something for dinner soon, because I’m  hungry.


Daily Picture – 15 July 18, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 12:49 pm
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White Lilies by the pond.

I went to a very awesome farmer’s market. I got bubble tea (yes! it had bubble tea!!!) and a gingerbread glazed croissant. My friend got some mint and sunflowers. Then we got a new friend who really liked our flowers. We named him Paul. If any of you girls are in town on a Saturday before November we’re definitely going to this farmer’s market!


Creme Brulee Martini.

We had my sister’s bachelorette party and it was a blast! We went to the chocolate bar which was delicious. I got a chocolate martini and a creme brulee martini. Yes that is a penis stirrer on the martini. We were classy, but penis’ had to be involved somehow. We were actually very good, the waitress didn’t even know that we were a bachelorette party. It was one of the most fun nights I’ve had in a long time.


Daily Picture – 14 July 14, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:30 pm
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Odilon Redon

I became intrigued by this painter, so I got a book of his paintings at the library. I finally got a chance to look at it. This painting caught my attention because of the colors. They call Redon ‘the prince of dreams’. A lot of his paintings are very odd and have a dreamlike quality to them. I mostly like his still life paintings of flowers and vases.

“As good as it is to let oneself go when one creates, it is all the better to know what to value, and just where the spirit takes flights.” ~Odilon Redon

Thank goodness it’s the end of my work week. Today was almost as stressful as the rest of the week, but I didn’t really have to deal with it. They asked me to be receptionist today and I willing took the boring job. I also got some of my continuing education done which is good.

My after work plans got canceled, but it’s okay. Even though it’s my off week it’s already completely full and busy. It will be fun, but I just want to veg. I’m so very burnt out.

As I was trying to pass time I came across this website: . I really like this woman’s style and technique. A lot. I wish I could make sketchbooks like her and draw like her. (Check out her sketchbook section, seriously). It almost makes me motivated enough to draw, but I’m just soo tired. I looked back at my art blog and I haven’t posted anything since March 3rd. How sad is that?


Daily Picture – 12 July 9, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 10:53 pm
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Bunny Honey

This is my bunny Nala enjoying some food, although she stopped eating because she was curious about the camera.

I like this picture because if you look at the deer’s face it looks like she’s saying ‘OH!!’, like she’s surprised.  In fact I can’t look at this picture now without it looking like she has her ‘mouth’ open in surprise.

Just fyi, yesterday was definitely one of the worst days in the history of the world ever. But! I got through it. I moped and pouted and slept. Today was better. Not good, but better. In an effort to make me feel better I’m being lame and listing good things from the last 48 hours:

A friendly cockatiel; small friendly kittens; the sound of a kitten purr; a 150lb great dane named Apollo and cleaning his teeth (it was calming, quiet, and he’s got sparkly pearly whites now); cat nap at work; fun clients; coffee; xrays turning out well; getting labwork done and organized; getting a paycheck (with bonus); a hot shower; not getting a major injury; my comfy bed; a good book; homecooked meal (japanese curry, jasmine rice, chicken, onions, and potatoes); air conditioning.

Ha…I was able to think of more bad things that happened and stress-related things then I was good things….but at least I have a nice list of good things. We’ll ignore the bad/stressful things for now and go to bed. Good Night.


Daily Picture – 10 July 5, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 11:04 pm
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Happy Independence Day!

This is my favorite Butterfly Koi fish. I call him diamond head.


Stunning Colors

It was a pretty good weekend. For the 4th of July I went to see the orchestra at an outdoor theatre. I was amazing! You wouldn’t believe the crowd that was there. I had pictures of it, and I was going to show you, but during the transfer from my camera onto my computer most of my photos got deleted. I’m a little miffed and annoyed, but they weren’t really important pictures to me, so I’ll get over it. I do need to back up my pictures though and be very careful about how I transfer photos again because this whole deleting thing is not going to fly.

I  met the boy’s parents yesterday. I think it went well, and I really did have a lot of fun. I’ve played most of the songs from the concert, so it was actually nice to sit in the crowd and listen to them for once. I feel I have a different appreciation for them. There were of course fireworks afterward. It was a great night.

Unfortunately today I did not feel good at all. Just much too hot, and I don’t do well when it’s really hot like that. I was supposed to spend the day with the boy because he got off of work, but I ended up just going home. I’m a little bummed about that.

I started watching Dexter. I finished season one. I find it interesting, but at the same time disturbing. I don’t know if I’ll watch the next season or not. Have you seen it? What do you think?

Well, off to sleep for me. I’m still not feeling well, even though it’s about 90% better then I felt before.


Daily Picture – 9 July 4, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 12:12 am



They were setting them off a few yards down. The company that did this show usually does the city’s show, but didn’t get the job this year. So this show was awesome because they were trying to show up the city’s fireworks. It was neat to watch the men in charge of the fireworks.

Some of the pictures came out very interesting. I don’t have a tripod, so most of them were fuzzy. Some of them I’m glad they came out like that.


Daily Picture – 8 July 3, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 1:00 pm


Old Cemetery. Lake View.

We sat under a Buckeye tree. Made me think of my girls and college.

This is where James A. Garfield is buried. The 20th President of the United States. He got his own mausoleum, it was very cool to see. Had gargoyles on it and everything.


This cemetery is very old, some of the dates we saw went back to the 1700s. They had huge gravestones, mausoleums, and  obelisks.


Daily Picture (a few days late) – 6 June 28, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:20 pm
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Okay okay, so I missed a day. Is anyone surprised? Really?

I have an excuse for the second day I missed, honest. We lost power, and therefore internet. We got a very bad summer storm that took down trees, destroyed houses, and lucky for us just meant we lost power for 12 hours. So that is why there was no picture yesterday. I have no excuse for Saturday. I was very tired and didn’t even take a picture.


Moments that matter.

The difference between a girl and a woman.


Saturday was a very long day of work. I spent the afternoon with Mike. We watched Firefly and Arrested Development while eating Japanese curry udon and white rice. It was a wonderful night of just relaxing.

Yesterday was my sister’s wedding shower. It went very well, but it was so very hot and humid. Luckily the storm held out until we were done with the party. It made me realize how much fun this wedding is going to be and how great it is to see everyone. I also need to get my dress fitted. It will happen.

Two more days of work. Woot!


Daily Picture – 4 June 24, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 8:50 pm
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The ‘I’ broke.  Birthday gift from my dad.

I kind of felt like this today. I girl without an identity. Someone people don’t know, don’t invite to things, don’t remember. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Especially at work. My coworkers all hang out outside of work. I’m not invited. No, I don’t want to go downtown and get drunk, but it would be nice to be invited. They have celebrated everyone’s birthday at work so far. Mine came and went, no cake like everyone else got, not even a general ‘happy birthday’. It sucked. I like who I am. But at moments like this, I wish I was more to people, not just ‘that girl behind the camera’.

I got my shoes I’m going to wear for my sister’s wedding. She said I had to get silver. I got sparkly glitter ones because I don’t have any shoes like that. I’m also excited that it’s little heals so I can wear them all day long. Now I just have to go get my dress fitted. Btw, I feel fat. But I blame that on the crappy day.

My seedlings are sprouting. 🙂