Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture – 5 June 25, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 9:19 pm
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Different views of my new Serrisa plant.

I daydreamed about my art studio someday. It had a large L desk in one corner, the longer end having a window over it. I would have a wall of corkboard so I could put up anything and everything that inspired me. I would have hardwood floors and one wall of shelves/storage space – creatively designed or course. I would have another counter/tabletop where I could keep my ‘in the middle of projects’ so I could work on more then one. I would have an easel and shadowbox in one corner. There would be some sort of system where my reference materials were better organized, because right now it’s just in a big jumbled pile.

That’s really as far as I got. I’m sure I can add to it, but I’m very tired from my long day at work. So some reading and sleepy time for me.

That reminds me, I just finished the book ‘Butterflies of Grand Canyon’ by Margaret Erhart. I wouldn’t recommend it. 😦