Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Daily Picture – 11 July 7, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture,Life — littlelynx @ 11:17 pm
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First attempt at origami geisha dolls.

Mine is on the left. I think it looks pretty good considering the directions are in Japanese….

Warning: Vent!

I was mad today. Something is bothering me, but I can’t really put my finger on it, which is frustrating. Unfortunately, I took it out on Mike. He had made plans with me, but then he blew me off without a phone call. So I took my anger out on him, which he did deserve a little bit (I don’t do well waiting forĀ  phone calls that determine my day), but not all of it. I think some of what’s bothering me is that he didn’t tell me about his last two days off and he’s been very distracted since my birthday. I brought all this up when I was talking to him. And then later, when I called to apologize for being mad he said he wanted to talk to me, but not on the phone, in person. I won’t see him for at least four days. Does he realize what this does to me!? I understand not wanting to talk about certain stuff over the phone…but this is cruel.

In other notes:

Anyway, the good thing about today was I got to spend time with my sisters, just the three of us. We went to dinner, ate ice cream, and watched TV. It was a very relaxed night and I’m really glad we got to do it, because I’ve been feeling very left out. My other two sisters have more in common then I do with either of them, and they spend a lot of time together and have inside jokes….anyway, I’m really glad we spent time together tonight. We should do it more often.