Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Tidbits March 23, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 12:37 pm


What does your name mean: ‘One who is like God’ ‘Successful and Smart’

High school graduation year: 2003

Summer memory: Traveling Europe

What’s on your mousepad: nothing, it’s plain black

In the car- ac or windows: Windows

Do you believe in yourself: Yes, I do!

Favorite game: (Card) Euchre (Board) Pictionary (Computer) FFXI (Video) Okami, Katamari, and Zelda

Favorite sounds: laughter, instrumental music, and rain

Favorite smell: campfire and fall scents (cinnamon, pumpkin, apple cider)

Worst feeling in the World: Being Alone

Best feeling in the World: Accomplishment

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: A trip to somewhere new.

Favorite soundtrack: Currently: Slumdog Millionaire

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I don’t even know where I see myself in one year….but hopefully married..happy…successful

First thought in the morning: (if woken up by alarm) darn….I wish I could lay here for just a little bit longer. (if I wake up on my own) It’s going to be a good day….and I’m insanely comfortable right now.

Do you get motion sickness: I’ve only gotten it once in my life…and it was horrible.

Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: Both. I’m not a huge fan of roller coasters, but I like riding them once in awhile.

Future son names: Darian, Jessie/Jamie, Ryan

Future daughter names: Alanna,  Zoe, Rae

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: depends on my mood, usually vanilla

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: if I told you, I’d have to kill you….okay, I don’t, but I have a ton of pillows

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Super cool, and any sane person should realize how powerful and a lil scary they are.

If you could meet one person in the World, who would it be: Kate T. Williamson

What do you wear to bed: nothing. I love the feel of sheets on my skin.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: yesm

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: the red it is now.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I don’t know what it would be, it would definitely be something very important to me. I would have it behind my ear/on my neck, so I could hide it. Or..if I was feeling very rebellious I would get it on the inside of my write. I also kind of like the idea of one on my hipbone.

Favorite brand of gum: I actually don’t like gum much…but if I had to pick one. Orbit.

What is your favorite quote: I love quotes…I couldn’t possibly choose just one. But my latest quote is “Your life is an occassion. Rise to it.”

Have you ever been in love: Yes

What’s on your walls in your room: One wall is dedicated to inspiration (pictures, quotes, project ideas, colors, new recipes), posters, things from around the world (fan from spain, masks from venice, ceramic from greece….), other odds and ends, and a mirror.

Is the glass half-empty or half-full: what’s in the glass? good – half full. bad – half empty.

Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: ‘The Village in May’ by Joe Hisaishi and ‘Feeling Good’ by Michael Buble

Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: cool ranch

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: I used to like pepsi, but then I went to Europe…now I like coke better.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: general build, hair, and eyes. Their outlook on life is really important too.

What’s under your bed: the bags I use when I’m traveling, a purple fuzzy stool, and some extra cork board.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: no…and I need to change this.

Do you make fun of people: I try not to..I pick on my friends, but I feel that’s different then making fun of people.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: nope

One pillow or two: three 🙂

Pets: Gremlin has passed away this week – so no more hamster. I do still have two bunnies (Zoe and Nala) and I have been taking care of the family bunny (Calvin). I would kill for a little puppy of my own. But I need to make some money and get a place of my own first.

Word or Phrase you overuse: Glorious. It’s all good. True Story. EEP! Aiyeeeee! (The last two are sound effects that I overuse.)

Do you get along with your parents: Very well.

Favorite song at the moment: ‘I’m Yours’ by Jason Mraz and ‘O Saya’ by A.R. Rahman & M.I.A.

Favorite subject in school: art and music

Least favorite subject in school: history

Favorite Holiday: Christmas and Thanksgiving

Have you ever been inside a police car: Yes I have.

What do you think of hot dogs: I love hot dogs. All beef. And ballpark. Yum!

Favorite Christmas Movie:
Miracle of 34th Street.

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry: My silver swirl earrings and my bracelets from Spain and Greece.

Favorite hobby:
I am a serial hobbiest. I can’t stick with one. I bounce from one to the other and then back again. Currently, painting.

What’s one trait you hate about yourself: That I sometimes let other people’s judgements of me effect how I feel about myself.

Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
I enjoy having live plants on my desk. I have a lot of books to read from the library. It is a beautiful day outside.

Name 5 drinks you regularly drink: Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea, Water, OceanSpray Juice, Other Teas, and Orange Juice

Current worry:
That I won’t like my job, and I’ll never find on that I’m excited about.

Where would you like to go:
Japan (and many many more places)

Favorite Place to Be:
bookstore, art store, and my room….is that a bad thing?

Do you own slippers:
Of course! Although I’ve almost worn all the way through them, so I need to keep an eye out for new ones soon.

What color shirt are you wearing right now:
Um….I’m not….I’m in a sportsbra. I just got back from working out! It was warm, give me a break…..

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets:
Never have, but I’ll put that on my list of things to do.

Can you whistle:
Slightly, I wish I could whistle better. Like a melody and different pitches.

Favorite color:

Does someone have a crush on you:
I hope so. Secret admirers make us believe what we had always hoped would be true.

What is your favorite book:
Currently, the first one that comes to mind is ‘An Illustrated Life’ by Danny Gregory.