Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

A Moment of Joy May 18, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:54 pm
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I haven’t been very happy lately, or even aware of life. I’ve been in a zombie state where I just make it through the days. Today I had a rare moment of aliveness. I pulled into a parking lot close to where my drawing group meets. Instead of going straight to drawing I decided to get some tea. It had just finished raining, so it was that nice cool moist air. Everything was an unbelievable green. I liked the purple hydranias hanging over the fence of a yard I passed; I leaned in to smell them and my nose came away with fresh raindrops. There were mini maple leaves that held stubbornly onto bits of rain making it look like a green ceiling with crystals. I read as I walked, which I haven’t done since college. I got to the tea house and ordered an apple mango tea even though I wanted a japanese chai tea. It was late enough in the day that caffine wasn’t a good idea. Right before I left I noticed a dessert sitting in the window and asked what it was. I was told it was Turkish Delight. For some reason, just the other day I had wondered about this exact dessert; wishing I could try it. So I bought one. It was Delicious. I was like a little kid, getting powdered sugar all over my black work uniform and not caring a bit. I just enjoyed the dessert, the atmosphere, and my book. I wanted to stay in that adorable eclectic tea shop, but I hadn’t been to drawing for a while, and I might not be able to make it for awhile after this. So I walked back, fully sated and happy. It was a nice moment in time. I wish I could capture those few minutes and put it in a box for later, when I really need a moment like that.