Laugh, Live, and Love

in no particular order.

Hospital Visit/Fun Weekend/Great Color Clothing Choice February 20, 2011

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:30 pm
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So, my dad fell on the ice and hit head head very hard on Friday. I stayed up with him that night because I had a really bad gut feeling about the incident. Luckily that night he was okay.

However on Tuesday he got violently and suddenly sick. He called me and I took him to the hospital where he got a CAT scan. We sat around the hospital all afternoon and then got told to go home. I was supposed to wake him up every two hours to make sure he was still responsive.

The whole experience was very scary. I hated feeling so helpless.

The doctor called back the next morning and said my dad had a concussion and a severe sinus infection. So we’ve been taking care of him, and thankfully, he is doing much better. Why do I have a dad that ignores his health? It is very stressful.


At work the other day I asked a man in the store if he needed help. He didn’t answer, so I assumed he didn’t hear me, so I asked again. Then a different costumer said “I sure hope he doesn’t have any questions!!” It was the man who owned the store and approved everything in it! How embarrassing! It was a good thing I did that though, because now he knows I’m customer friendly I guess…..

I was told that sass is not attractive. Well to damn bad, I’m sassy, get over it. Anyone who can’t handle sass doesn’t have a chance with me anyway.

Sketch Book Ideas:

  • Tea Book
  • Plant Book
  • Travel Book

This weekend was my mom’s birthday. The whole family came for dinner, even my cousin John. We laughed for three hours and ate wonderful food. It was so much fun. I love my family, we are a bit strange, but man, do we have fun. 🙂

My friend Tyler came in to visit this weekend. Friday we went to the Greenhouse Tavern, because he appreciates good food. Of course everything we got there was AMAZING! I had curried squash for an appetizer. It tasted like Japanese curry! Yum. It had squash, chic peas, and bread crumbs with the curry. For dinner I had the Cauliflower, Eggplant, (and something else) Ravioli. DELICIOUS! And then for dessert I had chocolate chai pot de creme. OMG, it was orgasmic. I really enjoy that restaurant. I like the atmosphere, I love the food, the music is good. Definitely worth every penny.

Unfortunately, then I failed miserably as a tour guide. We finally found a bar that wasn’t to crowded/loud to hang out at, but I was exhausted. So I wasn’t much company I’m sure.

Saturday I worked, went swing dancing, and worked on hw. Two tests this week. IEEEE! But seriously, I think I will do well on them. I am still trying to memorize the transition metals ion charges and the polyatomic ions……help…

Sunday I took Tyler to brunch. We went to the Vine and Bean Cafe. Really cute little place; it was a house turned cafe, so it had all these cute little rooms with their unique fun quirks and colorful paintings.  Unfortunately I think I ruined his weekend when I said I didn’t want a relationship, which I don’t. And it’s honestly not because of him, he’s a great guy. I just don’t want one right now. I am 100% focused on school. Plus I don’t wanna do long distance. I hope he believes me, because it’s true. I still felt bad, but I needed to say it.

ANYWAY, afterward I came home and took a nap, then spent time with my mom and my sisters. Then did homework (mini rant warning). Okay, so my homework was telling me I was wrong, I had to name the ionic compound, and I did; aluminum iodide. However it kept saying, no, it’s wrong. I finally figured out why…because they had aluminum spelled WRONG IN THEIR KEY. Big dumb jerks. Sometimes I really don’t like online hw/quizzes.

Now I’m writing about my weekend and posting all the art I worked on….and now back to studying chem for the test tomorrow.

But before I go I was very proud of my color combination for my clothes today. I wore a:

magenta tank top under a:

golden yellow long sleeve shirt and:

robin’s egg blue earrings and necklace.


I really liked this color combination. I’m rather proud I thought to put it together. It’s more colorful then I usually go for and it totally worked. 🙂


Ramblings November 28, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 10:38 pm
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I kind of feel like the world is a little kid and while I’m walking he trips me and I fall flat on my face. Then he says, “Oh, I’m so sorry I tripped you. Here, let me help you back up.”

Usually my life is a bunch of ups or a bunch of downs all at the same time, but lately it’s been up, down, up, down, up, down. I’m not complaining. It’s actually kind of a nice balance. I’m just not really sure what’s going on right now.

Lots of things going through my mind right now. I gave my official letter of resignation and I am relieved and excited to leave this job. I do enjoy the job, but I hate the hours. I have 10 more days of work. No, I have no found another job yet, but I will.

I’m doing more graduate school research. Still overwhelming. I think I need to limit my school choices down by: major, fellowship/assistantship opportunities, location. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I also want to take into account study abroad opportunities. I watched the movie ‘Eat, Pray,Love’ today and it made me want to go live in another country for awhile. Like Italy, Spain, or Australia. I found a few study abroad internships that would be amazing, but of course they are so expensive. I’m definitely going to read the book though. I think my favorite line was “I don’t need to love you in order for me to love myself.” I understand that statement. It makes a lot of sense to me. I used to find my worth in what guys thought of me, but now I’m busy trying to find my own worth. To just love me whether anyone else does or not.

Speaking of love my ex showed up at my house. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to know he came to visit my family because I caught him leaving as I got home from work. I really don’t miss him, and I’m glad he’s gone. But I was PISSED when I found him at my house. I was mad he was there, I was mad my family wanted to see him, I was mad that he didn’t care about me at all. I honestly wish I would never see him again, but my family continues to stay in contact with him. It hurts. I think that’s a wound that’s never really going to heal.

I’m actually kind of afraid that I can’t feel anymore. I haven’t really loved anyone since my heart got broken. I had a great guy as a boyfriend, and I really cared about him this past year, but I never did love him. And recently I’ve had a few guys ask me out (we’ll go into that more later), but I’m not really attracted to them, or want to date right now. I’m terrified that when I cut my ex out I built a wall that is going to be very difficult to tear down. If it can be torn down. I’m sure I’ll love again…but what in the world is wrong with me?

I got asked out three times this month. One guy asked me out, and I didn’t want to go on a date and I wasn’t attracted so I responded “I just broke up and don’t want to date right now.” Which is mostly true. He asked if he could take me out later, and I said I don’t know. Because for whatever reason I didn’t have the guts to just say, ‘thank you for the offer, but no.’ My next date offer came when I went to the bar by myself (I had time between errands and dancing and I wanted a Sam Adams Hardcore Cider – pretty good). So, since I was by myself and I didn’t want food, just a drink, I brought my book in with me and read. Well, I read for about half an hour and closed my book and he started talking to me. A had been sitting next to me, for I don’t know how long, but waited til I was done reading before talking to me (point for him). I ended up being half an hour late for dancing. He’s very nice, although he is a foot taller then me. We’ve already been on a date and will probably go out on another one. Then a week later at dancing I got asked out by another guy. We went out last night and talked for four hours. I was off my game, but we both still had a good time I think.

In good news, I got a few new shirts and dressed and I’m looking good. I think it’s because I am more confident. Dancing has done a lot of that. Curling my hair helps too. It’s fun, I like all the different looks I can get. And I look forward to dancing. Even if I’m not the best, you can’t not feel sexy when dancing. It really does help with the confidence. I got to see a lot of people from my highschool and a lot of them had gained weight….I looked great. If anything, I’ve lost weight. It surprised me how many people were just okay with what they were doing and how much weight they had gained. I felt pretty proud.

I got to see a ton of my friends this Thanksgiving. It went by so quickly, but it was wonderful. We had an all cousin’s dinner which was a lot of fun. We planned getting together once in awhile for dinners since we all live close together. I really hope that works out. Then my friends came over and we played card games until late in the night when I kicked everyone out because I had to work the next day. The day after everyone went to the bar (ironically my high school had a reunion the same night from two grades above me), and we drank and laughed and had a great time. I love my friends. I’m so lucky, I really am. They are such wonderful amazing people. And most of them know what’s up, they like their jobs, they’re happy with who they are. They really are an inspiration.

Anyway, I’m going to go. I really will post pics of my room, because it IS CLEAN!!!! And I got a new betta. His name is PineApple.



BTW, the bunnies say hi!


Bad Ass! September 23, 2010

Filed under: Daily Picture — littlelynx @ 10:51 pm
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I was super bad ass today! I am so proud.

I got up early and went to talk with my college counselor. She was impressed with how much I had organized already. We figured out classes, so that I might even be able to go to grad school this fall! Otherwise it will be two years from right now before I get to grad school. I don’t want to rush things, but I’d much rather go in one year then two.

After that I was super motivated and went to the mall to find a new clubbing/salsa dancing shirt/outfit. Instead I got four camis. Normally 1 cami is $18. I got them at the 2 for $16 deal. Awesome! I also got sweater because I’ve needed something lighter then a jacket for fall. I went out of my black/white comfort zone and got red! I also got the most bad ass shoes. (Yes, bad ass is the word of the day)

I also got talked into a straightener by a very good businessman. I’m not going to tell you how much I paid for it, usually I’m smarter about large purchases. Like the shoes, I walked away, thought about it, and came back. But this I just bought…not like me. It’s a little hard to swallow how much I spent on it, but I have a lifetime guarantee, and if I really use it I’m sure I’ll get my money’s worth. What really caught my attention was that he curled my hair with it, beautiful curls that actually stayed put. No, since I’ve been home I have not been able to replicate this. At the mall though I pictured myself actually doing my hair for going out and parties and whatnot.

I’ve been feeling like I look almost ‘unkept/sloppy’ with my hair lately. No matter what I do with it, it looks bad, like I don’t brush it our anything. So as long as I actually use it, this could be a very good purchase for me.

After the mall I took a nap, which was wonderful. Then I cleaned the bathroom. I cleaned everything; the sinks, the counter, the mirror, and the shower. I’m so proud, it hasn’t looked this clean since it was built.

After cleaning I realized I was sweaty, so I went to the gym and did kickboxing for an hour. NICE!

Then I came home. I was going to go salsa dancing for the first time in months, but I didn’t really want to go by myself and I was content to just relax at home.

See how awesome I was today! I really hope I can keep this up, because I have lots to accomplish.

But for now, it’s off to bed. Good night!


Life Update and Book Recommendation August 20, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:41 pm
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Thanks Ash for such a wonderful recommendation. This book was awesome!! If you have not, you definitely need to read it.

Other then that…lots has kind of happened.  My boyfriend has moved to Boston, MA. I guess we decided that we aren’t official anymore. It was a hard decision, but I think the more mature one. He didn’t plan to move back, and unless I move there there really isn’t any point in staying together. I really don’t know if I’d ever move there. And I didn’t want to string along. Boston was never a place I saw myself moving to.  We are going to keep in touch, and I hope to go visit him sooner or later.  We’ll decide what to do as time goes on and see what happens.

I’m not going to lie. All I want to do right now is just lie down and sleep. I’m sad.

At the same time, him moving has really got me thinking about what I want to do. So I’m looking very closely into going to Grad school. Right now I think I’m going to go into Biology on the ecology level. That being said now I have to decide what schools to apply for. I’m going apply to the local community college because I need to take a few more biology courses to apply to grad school. I only took one for my undergrad. Plus that will help me decide if I’m really heading in the right direction or not. I like biology because it still has to do with animals, but nature in general too including plants and ecosystems. It’s general enough that I can do pretty much anything with it, and hopefully my time in grad school will help me decide what I want to do.

Random Note: Secondhand Lions. Great movie.

I have more to talk about, but those are the main things right now. I’m a little overwhelmed and downtrodden right now. Now that I have an idea of what I want to do, I have to research, plan, and actually go through with it.

I’m going to draw now, before I go to bed, because I haven’t done that in ages.


End of the Month – March ’10 April 8, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 2:18 pm
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R.I.P. the baby tears fern plant. it was beautiful, but I was not able to keep it alive…Feb 2010-April 2010


Days Total– 31

Days I worked out – 3 – Sad but true.

Days I worked on Art – 3 – And they were the first three days of the month.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I saw a belly dancing recital for the first time. It was very interesting and fun. I found a new amazing restaurant that uses all locally grown food (the greenhouse tavern) and is absolutely amazing!!! I saw the movie ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ with my parents. It was a very cute and funny movie. I especially liked the soundtrack with it’s Celtic influences. I opened a savings account so when I finally decide what I want to do next with my life I will have a little bit of money to help me. And I reached my money saving goal for Japan!! Woot! I did find a bridesmaid dress for Justin & Katie’s Wedding and another dress that was originally $140 and I got it for $50. It’s really pretty on me, I can’t wait to wear it!

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: GO TO JAPAN! Plan my trip to Chicago at the end of May – this needs to be planned before the end of April. Finish my very overdue art swaps. Clean my desk and keep it clean so that I will actually work on art. At this point I don’t even care about the rest of my room, but the fact is if my desk/art area is cluttered, I will not work on art.

In other news…Mike really stepped up to the plate the other day when my ex showed up very unexpectedly in my driveway. He was there to take my sister to lunch, and I wasn’t supposed to be there….BUT my sister was late and I came home for lunch that day from work. I hadn’t seen him for two years. He really threw my completely off balance, it had been 2 years since I had last seen him. I called Mike very upset, he canceled the plans he had with his friends that night and told me to come over. He had been saving a going away gift for me, but gave it to me that night. It was a journal for Japan. And as picky as I am about journals, I really liked this one. He let me vent about the ex…it wasn’t that I missed him…it was that he reminded me of the worst point in my life, how depressed I was and how horribly and worthless he had made me feel….

I left Mike’s house that night smiling. I felt much better, my ex not even a glimmer in my thoughts. I’m very lucky to have met Mike, and if you couldn’t tell things are going well. 🙂

On to next month! If I remember I will make my update before the 28th, but if I don’t I will not make one until the 8th (kinda like this month). Just and FYI. For some reason I’ve been very overwhelmed since April began. I need to relax and just take one thing at a time.


End of the Month Summary – February 2010 March 1, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 4:17 pm
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I made this collage for my Thing A Day challenge. I just took pictures of things around my room that made me smile, meant something to me, or just happened to capture my eye at the moment. I called it ‘Little Details’, based on the idea that it’s the little details in life.


Days Total– 28

Days I worked out – 3 – Sad but true.

Days I worked on Art – 19 days. I would have done more, but once I got sick and missed two days of Thing A Day I lost my motivation.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I believe I have a boyfriend. I really like him, things are going well. I wish the rooftop girls can meet him. I already informed him we need to take a picture together soon so when I come to Japan I can show you girls. 🙂 I worked three weeks straight and got horribly sick…but other then that it was a good month. At least I’m feeling better. Thing a Day was this month, I did not complete it, but I’m not really disappointed. I did more art this month then I have in the last few months combined. I hope to keep it up. Other then Mike I don’t have any big news in my life. He takes me out to all these really great places and we’re having a blast. Yesterday we went to the art museum and he takes longer then I do to get around. 🙂 (Ash!!! I found the armory we couldn’t find last time!!) 

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: I need to save money for Japan. So far so good, but I also need to find a bridesmaid dress because I’m in a wedding two weeks after I get back and I don’t want to worry about it. I’m giving up the job search until after I get back from Japan, unless something really catches my eye. I want to paint a painting, on a canvas. I’ve never done something like that before. Get my ass back the the gym. I’m losing weight, but not in a good way right now. I think it’s because I’ve been sick for two weeks. I need to find 2 paperback books that I can bring to Japan for the flight. Oh, and  a journal that I can draw/write in for the trip. It’s getting closer!


End of the Month Summary – December 09 January 3, 2010

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 7:52 pm
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Days Total– 31

Days I worked out – 9 – I have been going to the gym at least twice a week, and for at least an hour at a time; usually two hours. Basically, I rocked. Let’s keep this up!

Days I worked on Art – 12 – This was mostly due to the fact that I made a lot of Christmas gifts this year. It wasn’t really drawing or painting, more crafty. But I set aside time to do it, and it took up my art time, so I’m counting it.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I bought my JAPAN TICKET!!!! I am so very excited and completely and totally broke. I’m a little terrified that I’m going to make it to Japan and not have any money, but I’ll deal wih that when I get there. I found out that the word Orangutan means “old man of the woods” in Malaysian.  Definitely thought that was worth mentioning. I went to a Big Bad VooDoo Daddy concert, it’s a really great swing band. I love bands and concerts like that. The concert itself was at The House of Blues, which I had never been to before. I hope to go see Flogging Molly there in a few months. My friend Nikki got engaged and she asked me to be a bridesmaid. I’m so happy for her. I went to a figure drawing workshop through I do not know how I feel about this group yet. I think I am going to a painting workshop soon, we will see. I had Christmas parties gallore, lots of fun. I had a wonderful relaxing Chirstmas. Rockette was adopted, they kept her name and she is doing much better. A new year started. My main New Years Resolution is…..*don’t laugh*….to clean my room. Completely, so I can see the floor, sleep in my bed, and have a clean desk all at the same time. I have a few other ones, but I’ll mention those later. My dad had surgery, and he is doing alright. My friend had breast cancer, she had a double masectamy (sp?) and now she is cancer free.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: I still need a second job. Keep up the workout schedule. Draw and Paint some more. Start my New Years Resolutions: 1) CLEAN MY ROOM 2) volunteer somewhere 3) stay healthy and happy 4) decide what I’m going to do with my life after the vet hospital (masters degree or whatnot) 5) that’s really all I came up with on the spot….I’m going to be more social, even though it’s freezing outside. I need to be smarter about money and continue looking for another job. I have a feeling that this is going to be a good year. Let’s start it with a good month!


Summary – October 09 November 1, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:47 pm
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These are the angels that watch over my desk. I really like how the tree in the background is in focus and they are fuzzy. :


Days Total: 31

Days I worked on Art: 5

Days I worked out: 0 – EPIC FAIL….I kind of did this on purpose, took a break. I wasn’t feeling motivated and I needed to get some other stuff done. I changed gyms, this one has classes and a pool, so hopefully that will really help me to get moving. I really missed the classes, so I think that would help a lot.

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I helped out with a cancer benefit that was a fabulous success. My clinic had a halloween fundraiser for the local shelter. We raised close to 1,000 dollars for them and I got to see all my co-workers dressed up. 🙂 I made my own Halloween costume, and managed to keep it under $10. I was Max from Where the Wild Things Are. It was an A for effort…I didn’t really look like Max. Saw that movie, it was just okay. It was the best fall we’ve had in years. Oh, I got my six month reviews and I totally rocked. I got a raise. 🙂 I joined an Art Journal class and I really enjoy it. I did drop out of band (boo). I just wasn’t getting to practices cause of work and I’m definitely not a good part of this band cause I don’t know my part well. So I’m out, I don’t need to be frustrated by it right now. Maybe next year.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: I still need a second job. I want to bunny-fi my room so I can sneak my bunnies in here. I miss them. 😦 I don’t know how I got everything chewable up off the ground at my old apartment…this seems an impossible task.  I need to get a one-piece bathing suit so I can swim laps at the gym. I need to start buying/making Christmas gifts. I refuse to be stressed about this stuff. I’m going to get it done early! I also need to make a set-up on  my desk that raises up my computer, because I’ve been slouching alot and it hurts my back!


Well. Nov is officially here and I just have to say that I rocked at life today! Hopefully the rest of the month will be as good as today was!


End of the Month Summary – September 09 October 1, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 11:07 pm
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This is a puzzle my dad and I finished. It was fun, I haven’t completed a jigsaw puzzle in awhile. We immediately jumped on Ebay and bought another 1000 piece puzzle. Should be in any day now. 🙂


Days Total: 30

Days I worked on Art: 6

Days I worked out: 4

Things I accomplished/Things worth mentioning: I fostered 5 baby kittens and learned a lot while doing it about young animals. I met my sister’s fiance’s family. I went to the airshow, which I’ve never actually been to before, so that was neat. Usually I just watch it from afar. Dan was in the airshow which made it just that much cooler. I joined a community band, it’s so nice to be playing music again. I got new salsa shoes – this is worth mentioning because I have been looking for a pair for months! I went to Charlotte, NC!!! A nice week-long vacation that was totally worth it and a ton of fun.

Things I would like to accomplish for next month: I still need a second job. Join an art class, either life drawing or an art journal class. I’m going to join a new gym, one with a pool – I want to start swimming laps. I used to be very good at that. Art/Workout/Cleaning, etc.  I need to practice my clarient more, because it’s frustrating playing third part when I know I can do better then that people playing first and second. Just need to work on it. I need a costume for the halloween party at work, but I haven’t thought of a good one yet. I want to read more educational books.

Fall is officially here. The trees are changing. It’s chilly. It even smells like fall. Great season.


Kit-Ens! September 20, 2009

Filed under: Life — littlelynx @ 9:53 pm
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bundle of kittens

I got to take care of a litter of 5 kittens this weekend and I loved every moment of it! Okay..maybe not the 3am feedings, but other then that it was wonderful!! I had them for two days and they were a ton of work! Especially since they were mostly mobile. So I had 5 ten day old kittens going in seven different directions. They would also lay in my lap and sleep while I read. Adorable. Feeding time was a little stressful until I got the hang of it. Lucky for me they all took to bottle feedig pretty well.

feeding time

My favorite was the runt of the litter. I named him Blackie. He opened his eyes first (kittens do not open their eyes until 10-14 days of age) and he was definitely the most mobile and adventurous.

the favorite

I wish I had gotten a better picture of him. I can’t wait to watch them grow up! I have a few more pictures up on facebook, but they are hard to get pics of, believe it or not.

I also got all my errands done, did a major workout today (been feeling fat and cloths are a bit tighter…damn), and I’m getting ready for my vacation to Charlotte, NC. Soooo excited. I just realized that’s where the Carolina Raptor Center is. I’m definitely going, I’ve been wanting to go there since about four years ago.

It was an excellent day. I’m going to finish my art swap projects and read in bed.